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"No, of course not, war girl," Clarisse assured her. Reyna immediately believed her: Clarisse was a lot of things, but dishonest was not one of them. "I'm just as shocked as you are."

"Well then, hurry up and help me get him into the tent!" Reyna felt Nico's forehead which was ice cold. "He needs to be kept warm!"

"What?" Clarisse hovered around, looking absolutely stricken. Her total incompetence in the matter amused Reyna. 

Together, they lugged Nico into the tent, by the fire. After a few minutes, his eyes opened. 

"Nico!" Reyna exclaimed, pulling him up into a tight hug. He choked, and when she pulled away, he looked completely fine. Of course, his eyes were dull and his cheeks lacked color, but there was nothing new in that.

"Hey, this is urgent," he said, sitting up. Reyna half expected him to topple over, but he seemed fine. 

"First things first, punk," Clarisse said with narrowed eyes. "Where have you been?"

Nico glared right back at her, getting up from the raft. "None of your business," he rudely retorted. "But we have to hurry and make that jump to camp. We should leave now, if we can."

Clarisse stared at Reyna, like can you believe this guy? But Reyna actually understood Nico, in the sense that she also wanted to arrive at this Greek camp, as soon as possible and stop the fighting.

"Very well," she said, as usual taking command. "Clarisse, you and Nico close up the tent, I will search for the coach."

Reyna went out into the woods, calling out the coach's name. Until finally she heard an elated whooping and before she had time to react, the coach was prancing around on his hooves, yelling.


And to Reyna's surprise, the coach pulled her into a hug, almost knocking her over. "IT'S A GIRL!" he screamed. "IT'S A GIRL!"

"That's great, Coach! But maybe you..."

The coach paid not the slightest attention. "A BABY GIRL!" he screeched. "We named her Antheia!"

"Beautiful name, but..."

She might as well have been talking to the wall, for the coach continued to dance around. "IT'S A GIRL!"

Reyna smiled quietly. "Coach, we're on our way to see her now."

This got the Coach's attention. "Really?" he asked, stopping the prancing for a minute.

"Indeed. The others are packing their stuff right now. And then we'll be doing the final shadow travel jump."

"I'm in!" Face still alight with happiness, the Coach ran off in direction of the camp. Reyna smiled, and jogged after him.


"Ready?" Nico looked around at all of them. Clutching the statue to secure it somewhat in the chariot, Clarisse grunted, and Chris sounded out a confident, 'Yep!'. The Coach looked ready as ever, and Reyna nodded.

Nico made sure he was touching the statue.


Reyna looked up at the ropes, were they secure enough?


Was she ready for this?


Reyna's eyes felt like they had been squeezed right into her head, as the shadow travel overtook her. Everything was black and spinning. After shadow traveling multiple times, she should have been used to it, but she wasn't.

Blood of Olympus FanFic {completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang