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A burning sensation took over Piper's body and she heard a cough. A wacking dry cough.


She was being enveloped in a hug and someone's lips brushed against her forehead. Her eyes flickered open but her surroundings were all too bright, so she shut them again.

"Pipes! Are you alive? Yo, talk to me beauty queen." This was the unmistakable sound of Leo's voice. 

"Shuhuhud," she groaned, as the spot were Helen had stabbed her began to throb.

"What?" She head Leo say.

"Dude, I think she told you to shut up." This was the voice of Frank Zhang.

"I feel loved," Leo muttered sarcastically.

"Sorry," Piper managed, gasping as she tried to bear the pain in her stomach.

"It's okay, don't talk."

She managed to nod, and a hand stroked her hair.

She looked up to see her boyfriend's face, creased with worry. 

Why was he worried? Because of her?

Her lips parted, she wanted to tell him, lie that she would be okay, but his finger touched her lips. "Don't speak, you'll just get worse."

She nodded weakly, and pressed her lips to his hand.

"Anyone want a burrito?" Leo asked, as always, trying to lessen the dark mood. He was actually holding a burrito, with Tabasco sauce slathered over it.

"Sure." Frank accepted the burrito taking a large bite. Piper watched with interest, almost forgetting the clenching pain in her stomach.


Frank chewed, then suddenly screamed. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!! WATER!" He charged out of the room like a rhino, making clawing motions with his hands.

Jason chuckled softly and Hazel giggled. Piper coughed up a weak laugh and Leo looked positively delighted.

"Guys, we should let Piper rest," Jason said, looking at her in concern.

Leo and Hazel nodded, and prepared to leave, when...

"No!" Piper said.

Everyone looked at her.

"What's that?" Jason asked gently.

"No," she gasped, as the pain increased. "I - like it when - you- guys- are here," she finished in one breath.

"Your choice." Jason settled down and took her hand again.

Leo and Hazel did the same, except they DID NOT hold her hand.

As this thought, just purely simple and ridiculously funny to her crossed her mind, suddenly all the pain she'd been feeling was gone. She gasped out of pure relief and started laughing unstoppably, convulsed by the relief of feeling better.

"Piper?" Frank arrived, breathing heavily from the Tabasco. "Uh, are you okay? Should we call Asclepius?"

"No," she choked out between laughs. "I'm better, so much better!" 

Leo and Hazel exchanged a weirded-out glance. "What?"

"I just thought of something funny, and I laughed, and suddenly, I'm - all better!!"

Blood of Olympus FanFic {completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat