Audrey & Adam

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"Getting some fresh air, love?" A deep velvety voice spoke through the warm crispness of the night.

Audrey whipped around, letting out a little gasp at being startled. She fixed her eyes upon what looked to be a young man, perhaps a few years older than herself. He was tall and broad shouldered which looked all the more appealing under his white dress shirt with black suspenders reaching over his shoulders, which ended at regular black dress pants and shoes. His black tie and rolled up sleeves only added to his complexion. His little bits of stubble made him look all the more masculine. He had dark chestnut hair so dark one might mistake it for being black. But what caught her attention the most was his eyes, so bright and golden, stuck out clearly behind his simple black mask, like sun rays blinking through dark clouds.

"What? Don't tell me I startled you." The man added on, amusement gleaming in his eyes and showing in his smirk.

"Maybe if you hadn't sneaked up on me I wouldn't be startled." She shot back, crossing her arms and leaning casually up against the railing, as if it were suddenly a bother to stand up straight in his presence. She didn't want to be bothered, especially by one of the high and mighty nobles.

"I apologize, it was an accident. I merely wished to accompany a lovely woman that shouldn't be outside alone." He added on. He sounded entirely too professional for his own good, but never once did his sly smirk and his sparkling eyes drop from his face.

"Maybe I want to be outside alone." Audrey chortled back. Although this man was indeed attractive to her, he gave off an arrogance that she had come across each day back in her Province, and one she refused to put up with a moment longer. Who even was this attractive stranger?

"On the contrary, you seemed to have left the party rather abruptly." There again with the professionalism. It was starting to get on Audrey's nerves.

"So you were watching me then?" She accused. She turned her back to him and crossed her arms. Although she wasn't raising her voice much throughout the argument, she was glad it was him that caught her and not her parents. That piercing gaze had been his, and up close it felt all the more intense. Rather than it being icy and cold, shooting right through her, she felt as if it flooded her veins and filled her soul with his utmost attention.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't."

"Mhm. Right. Anyway, I'm over the professional attitude. I think I'll be heading back to the party now." She sarcastically responded all the while stepping towards his figure.

"Oh really love? Because, If I'm correct, the moment the Province Leaders stepped out, you appeared to leave. And they should still be in there. Sure you want to go back right now?" He questioned. He had her there. Now he was just annoying her. She turned back and rolled her eyes.

"Fine. What really did you come out here for?" He was observant like no other and had noticed her initial fear of the Province Leaders. There must be some other reason. If she was stuck with this guy, she was going to give him a run for his money. But she already did that with everyone anyways.

Adam was seemingly enjoying his entire time out here. Not only was the mystifying little angel a sight to see, she held a fighting spirit unlike any he'd witnessed before. Up close to her, he felt all the more rapture. She definitely stood out among the women, but what he enjoyed the most was not her rosy cheeks underneath the black lace of her mask and the heart shape of her face, but rather the storm in her eyes. They appeared cloudy, but there was a sure sliver of color in them, a blue like the ocean in a winter storm. But that blue was quickly covered by the grayish silver that danced in her orbs.

"Who are you?" He questioned instead, curiosity gleaming in his eyes and that smirk of his finally dropping. He sauntered a bit closer to her, as she took her steps back out to lean along the railing of the balcony.

Audrey huffed and turned around to place her arms over the railing and look out among the fields of roses and gardens of flowers. The sky was a beautiful sight. Something to distract her from the mysterious appeal of a man standing behind her.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Audrey quietly responded.

"And I asked you first." Adam wasn't about to let himself be given away just yet. He wanted to learn her name at the very least, and the reason for her sudden rush away from the Province Leaders.

"And what do I get if I give you my name first?" She questioned. Adam grinned at her and chuckled. Who would've thought that this young woman would be so stubborn.

"Come on love, it's just a question." He pressed on. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're either a convict of some sort, or you're a Province daughter." Once again, he had her. On both accounts. Maybe not a literal convict but her parents sure thought of her as one.

"Fine..." She started. She normally wasn't one to relent but she knew she'd get his name one way or another. "Under a few conditions."

"Bargaining again huh? Fine then." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and smirked again. He would also compromise.

"First... you cannot tell anyone I'm here. Second, you give me your name in return." 

"Deal." He nodded his head. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but there was just something about him.

"Audrey." She said. She never said anything about a surname.

"Audrey... Noble strength? Your name suits you well." He began. He tapped a finger on his chin as he came to her side and sauntered by the railing next to her. "Isn't Audrey the name of the youngest daughter of the West Province Leaders?" He questioned a little.

Audrey's face fell at the mention of her parents. His smirk grew somewhat at her demise.

"You promised you wouldn't tell a soul." She started standing up straight to face him.

"And I don't intend on breaking that promise. But tell me love, why are you afraid of seeing them?" He added.

"I don't believe I need to answer that. But you do owe me your name."

"I suppose you are right." He relented. Adam looked down at her now and lifted his hand.

Audrey looked down as the hand that awaited her and hesitated in giving him her hand, somewhat confused, but when his golden eyes captured her gray ones, she couldn't refuse.

He chuckled a little at her hesitation, but lifted the hand to his lips, never allowing his eyes to leave her. A light blush spread across Audrey's already rosy cheeks, turning them a dark pink in color, or at least what parts could be seen under her mask. His gaze was so intense she felt as if she could drop dead at just the sight of them. He held his lips along her soft creamy skin for a few seconds longer than normally acceptable.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Audrey. I'm Adam." He gave her a brilliant smile that shook her to the core until he released her hand.

"Adam... the name of the only son of the Northern Province Leaders, correct?" She gave her own little saucy smirk in response. He nodded, a bit annoyed that she figured him out that quickly. "Aren't you supposed to be with your parents now? Or at least alongside them hosting the party?" Audrey's curiosity only grew the longer she was with him.

"Yes... I suppose I should. But, I would rather be anywhere in the world than with them." He started, annoyance clear on his face. He place a single hand on the railing and leaned towards her a bit. He breathed an annoyed sigh as he looked out among the scenery. "But I suppose you made up for that by being here." He smiled, turning back to her.

"So you're not the only one not too fond of their parents here." Audrey added, while a sad smile on her face, meeting his gaze. "I'm not even supposed to be here right now, but listening to what they tell me to do has never sat well with me." She smirked out at the scenery. Adam was a bit shocked, but then he heard the music in the background.

Adam once again held out his hand and gave Audrey a coy smile.

"Care for a dance, love?"

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