His eyes started to water, and I groaned "Okay, okay". I got up and went back to my other seat it was the third day of being in 10th grade, so far from being a senior. Just wait til I get out of here.

                  I set my finished essay aside, and Jared put his on top of mine "Turn it in". He said. I glared and got up handing it to the teacher. Just as she thanked me the bell rung, and I walked back to my chair grabbing my bag. "Today wasn't so bad".  Jared said patting my back. 

            "I guess not, I dunno". I said, shrugging, "How about I take you out for pizza, on me". He said, pulling out some cash. He knew me so well. "Okay, okay". I said heading out the school, but was spun around. 

              "Whats your problem!". I yelled looking up at lettermen "Be ready by eight, i'm taking you out". I gave him a dirty look, as he started to walk away from me. "You don't even know where I live!". I yelled throwing my hands up.

          "Jared told me!". He yelled back, walking out the school. I turned to see Jared and he winced "He said he'd shave my balls off, and boil them if I didn't". He cried. I crossed my arms "And you believed him?". I said, walking out the front doors, waiting for my mom to come get me. "Look, I can give you a ride, I promised pizza". He said.

                 "No". I muttered, sitting on the steps. "Come on! Come on pleasee". He begged, shaking me "Come! come on!". He pulled me up, and dragged me to his car. "Jesus, you're not as heavy as I thought". He said, I glared "I'm not fat!". I yelled, getting up and patting myself down.

            "Get in my car, and I will make you fat". He said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, and got in. "Are you gonna meet with him?".. He asked, I scoffed "Uhm No, why would I? I don't want or need someone like him in my life". I said, laying my head on my hand.

            "He is cute though..". Jared said, poking me. "Yeah? So what, looks can be deceiving". I whispered thinking about Adrian.

 "Don't think about booty holes, Micah". Jared said, giving me a stern look, as he parked.  "I just, I don't know what I did". I said, he huffed "He's a Freshman in college now, that's whats wrong". He said, I shook my head. "That didn't matter, he said I was mature for my age, and! he was seventeen when we started going out". I shot back.

                  "And now he's eighteen, you're sixteen, legal or not, he's in college, besides you were way too good for him, you don't remember how he treated you?". I huffed, and got out the car slamming the door.

    "Hey now!". He yelled, motioning at his belt.  "Don't slam my doors just because you don't want to admit i'm right ". He said, walking into CiCi's. I sighed, and walked in behind. Jared paid, and we quickly grabbed our plates, piling pizza and bread sticks on them.

                    "I think you should go". He said, "You think wrong so.." I said, Jared glared. "You know what fine, be a Pricky prude, you pricky prude, prick, prick!". He said, glaring at his place. "Why don't you date him? You told him my address, what is wrong with you!?". I asked. Jared frowned 
"Because this will be good, I promise".

                     I sighed, and nodded I wasn't going anywhere I was staying at home, and watching Snack off.


          "Mickey, someone is here to see you?". My mom said,poking her head in my door, I raised an eyebrow, and paused the show this dude was making bacon covered twinkies, this better be good. "Who?". She opened the door wider and revealed Letter men. "Call 911!". I screamed reaching for my home phone. My mom smacked my hand and crossed her arms.

           " You need to have manners". She snapped. I scowled. I didn't even have a chance to come up with any manners. I was shirtless and in some french fry printed boxers. "Can you please leave?". I asked, covering my nipples Jesus Christ! Me and my mom had rules. Knock before coming in!

               "I'm here to take you out, like I told you". He said, looking me up and down, "Dress up, will you". My mom said, dragging Larson out the room.

            Alright, fine I grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, reaching for my vans. I put my clothes on and rebrushed my teeth, grumbling as I walked downstairs, yup I didn't even do my hair, or wash my face I simply did not care, whatsoever.

                "Be back by twelve". My mom said holding the knife up as she cut up some fruit . Larson nodded, and pushed me out the door "What the hell are you trying to pull". I growled, snatching my arm away from him "Relax, I just wanted to go out". He said, putting his hands in his pocket "Are you even gay, is this some sick joke, did.. did Adrian put you up to this!?". I asked feeling my eyes water.

               "This has nothing to do with him". He said, walking to the car, like hell I was getting into that car. "Get in". He said, starting it. I crossed my arms "If I promise to never sit at your table again will you leave me alone".

        He shook his head no "Get in the car". He said again, "I don't know you". I said, I can't believe my mom shipped me off to this guy.   "Micah get in the car, before I take this belt of-".

   "And what? spank me, you don't scare me!". I yelled, taking a step back as he got out the car, He started to undo his belt, and I sprinted across the bushes and down the street. 


Eh? Eh? Crazy I know Vote Comment, tell me what you think!

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