What Comes Next...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters and Canon Divergence

Narrator's POV

Lord Voldemort knew he was easily, easily the most powerful wizard who ever lived in the entire history of magic, but, inside Marvolo's mind, he was at lost at how to take control of the body.

Marvolo was intelligent, Voldemort knew, he was his younger self after all, so he was going to have to use leverage.

And the thing Marvolo disgustingly loved most? The-Brat-Who-Won't-Die.

Voldemort smiled wickedly as he looked at the comatose horcruxes, the ring, the chalice and the recently added diadem both peacefully asleep, while an idea formed in his mind.


Harry woke up with a smile, cuddled in a cocoon of love, their naked bodies glued together from the activities the night before.

The green-eyed teen tried to wiggle his way out of the cocoon but his lovers' strong arms kept him down.

A few minutes later, the three males got out of bed and into the shower and back out.

They then went down to the pub below and had breakfast, once they sat at their booth, Harry sitting between them like always, asking, "What do we do now? Like Voldemort is gone and Dumbledore doesn't really have a champion any more."

"It's up to you, love, the Death Eaters are still there just without leader and Albus will find a new replacement for you." Tom said, "But if you want to get involved, we will, or if you want to leave them to sort it out on there own, we'll do that too."

Harry nodded, he was tried of fighting for causes he didn't believe in and being under the thumbs of others, "I don't want to be involved with the war anymore."

Marvolo pressed a kiss to the top of Harry's head, "Then we won't, know what we do is up to us. So what do you wished to do for eternity?"

Harry went deep into thought, "Well the three of us have to get married and we can move elsewhere to get out of the war for good, and where we go from there we can decide later."

The identical men nodded as Harry asked, "Which country should we move to?"

"France is a good option, its allied with England but will not enter the war." Tom offered

"Yes, I agree, and I'm fluent in French." Marvolo agreed, a rare occurrence for the two

"France it is then." Harry said, taking a bite of his toast, "Countryside or city?"

"Countryside would fit our needs better." Marvolo answered

"Ok." Harry said, I guess we should check out and head to France

"Yes, you and Tom head to Gringotts to have your accounts transferred to the French Branch, I'm going to run a couple of errands real quick." Marvolo said, leaving a couple of galleons on the table to pay for their meals

"Like what?" Harry asked, his head tilted cutely

Marvolo gave Harry a parting kiss and left, promising to meet them at the bank in a half hour.


After finishing up their meal, Harry and Tom left the pub, walking the short distance to Gringotts and on their way there Harry saw a woman selling potions of types he had never seen on his textbook before like a Female Impegnator Potion and a...male pregnancy potion.

Harry's face flushed, he had always wanted a family of his own and he'd love to have a couple of babies.

Harry pulled Tom's hand, their fingers entwined as he pulled the taller male towards the stand.

Harry looked at the brunette at the stand, "How much for a potion?"

"Seven galleons for any one of them." The woman answered

Harry gave her the amount and took one of the potions he desired, "Will this be permanent?"

"Yes, once you drink it your reproductive organs will change internally while being the same externally." The woman answered

Harry thanked her and put the bottle in his pocket and they continued on to the bank.


Bellatrix LeStrange sat in the Dark Lord's bedroom in Malfoy Manor, the rotting corpse of the Dark Lord's serpentine familiar lying there and giving the room a sickly sweet smell.

Bellatrix was deep in thought, planning to kill the imposture and find the Dark Lord.


Hermione looked around Diagon Alley, since it was her turn to look for Harry, though the hopes of actually ever seeing him again slim.

The muggleborn walked down the street and saw Harry?!? and another male just as another man joined them.

Where had Harry been?...

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