The Flaw in the Plan...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters and Canon Divergence

Narrator's POV

Harry Potter was still in the hotel, trying to break up a fight between the other horcruxes, Locket and Ring arguing with Diary.

"Locket is one we have to merge with, you fat-head." Ring insulted

"Oi, what makes him better than me? I got more of the soul." Diary countered

"I know Voldemort best," Locket answered, "and I know where the other horcruxes are."

"So what, you can just tell us where the others are." Diary said

"You just want to be the one that stays with Harry." Ring pointed out

"Maybe since he's my boyfriend!" Diary exclaimed

"Guys, shut up!" Harry said, "Stop arguing for five seconds and debate calmly, you're giving me a headache. And I'm not an object you can argue over. And since none of you can agree who's going to be the one that stays, I'll do it, I'll tell you who when we get to the Leaky Caldron."


Lord Voldemort was a paradox some would say regarding his patients, sometimes he could form plans that wouldn't be completed for a decade, other times if something was three seconds late he'd blow up in anger.

Unfortunately for Lucius Malfoy, the Dark Lord was in the second mood right now.

As soon as the Malfoy Lord walked into the guest bedroom that Dark Lord was in, he was immediately cruicoed.

Falling to the floor in pain, Lucius screamed, but a few seconds later the spell was ended and he got up, "You wished to see me, my Lord?"

"Yes." Lord Voldemort replied, "Your son was given his order a week ago, I grow tired of awaiting its completion."

Lucius gulped, "Draco is doing everything he can, my Lord."

"Everything is not enough, Lucius." The Dark Lord replied, "He has two weeks to bring Harry Potter to me or he will die."


Ron Weasley along with Hermione Granger made their way into the Headmaster's Office, worried that they hadn't heard from Harry in weeks and hoping the summons from the light wizard would have news.

Saying the candy related password, the duo entered the office, immediately being offered a lemon drop.

"No thank you, Headmaster, we were wondering what you wished to see us for." Hermione declined

Dumbledore chuckled sadly, "I imagine you both are missing Harry? But I'm afraid that no one has had sight of him since he disappeared and I believe we must assume the worst."

Ron's mouth dropped and Hermione gasped, "No."

"And I believe Harry had been taken from us, and seeing that he he is most likely dead, we have no chance against Voldemort." Albus continued, making both teens look at him in shock, "Or so I thought. I was in the Department of Mysteries the other day and I came across this prophecy hidden in a corner. And it was labeled 'The Dark Lord and Ronald Weasley'."

Ron gulped, paling, "Me and You-Know-Who, sir?"

Albus revealed a clear orb from his robe pocket, throwing it on the ground, making Professor Trelawney's voice echo through the room:

"The one with the ability to defeat the Dark Lord approaches, born to those who have defied him, born as the third month is born, and the Living Boy will mark him as his successor, and he will have a power the Dark Lord knows not, and neither can live while the other survives."

"You are Harry's closest friend, Ronald, —not to offend you, Ms. Granger— and Harry's death would have given you protections against Voldemort." Albus explained

A few minutes later, the duo left the Headmaster, Ron looking as smug as ever and Hermione trying to cope with Harry's likely death.


She then pushed pass him and flooed to her home, writing to Neville about news about Harry since he had asked about Harry's disappearance.


As the horcruxes left Little Hangleton, Harry tried napping while they rode on the Knight Bus, the horcruxes retreating to their objects during the ride, none noticing Harry's glamour flicker nor notice a stop the bus did to pick up a lone passenger that was tired of walking.

The exhausted blond passenger looked around for a place to sit, noticing the flickering glamour, "Potter?"

The sound of his last name caused Harry to shoot awake, "Malfoy?"...

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