Return to Hogwarts...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters and Canon Divergence

Narrator's POV

Three days quickly passed and the day Hogwarts students would be returning to the school arrived.

Tom, Marvolo, and Harry placed on their glamours as they entered Platform 9 3/4 and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Marvolo led them towards a secret entrance once the train arrived and the students were heading to the front entrance.

The triad carefully made their separate ways to the Room of Misplaced Objects, splitting up to avoid detection.

As Harry made his way to his destination, he heard a voice he hadn't heard since before Summer began, "Harry?"

Harry froze, if Ron approached him all would be lost, so he continued to walk and pretend he hadn't heard a thing.

"Mate, where are you going?" Ron asked, internally panicking that if Harry had truly returned that his spotlight would be taken from him

Harry continued on, hoping to loose him by winding through the hallways and sifting stairs.

Soon enough, he was at his destination and Ron was still trailing behind, so he hurried into the room and hoped Ron didn't know how to get in.

Harry let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding as he found his lovers, Marvolo holding the Diadem.

"If everything ok, love?" Marvolo asked, seeing the panic on Harry's face

"Ron's trailing me, I think he still outside, I don't know if he knows how to get in." Harry informed

Tom and Marvolo instantly began to think of a way out, Tom offering, "What if we used that Vanishing Cabinet?"

"We have no idea where it ends up." Marvolo countered

"Weasley could have gotten the Order's attention by now, the risk is worth it." Tom replied

"We could get trapped in the Vanishing Cabinet if the pair was destroyed." Marvolo hissed

"And risk capture by the Order if we don't?" Tom asked

"I could peek out with the Cloak and if I see them we can try the Cabinet." Harry offered, putting on his invisibility cloak

"No way." Marvolo forbid, "What if they notice the door crack?"

"He'll be ok." Tom argued, "We're here."

Harry opened the door just a smidge, seeing only Ron outside with his wand pointing at the door, "I know you're in there, Harry, you should have stayed dead."

Harry gulped, why had Ron changed, where was his old friend?

Ron noticed the crack in the door, opening it and seeing Harry's ankles, he must have been using his cloak, "Ar-arvada cedava."

Marvolo had to conceal a chuckle, this idiot couldn't even pronounce the Killing Curse, he pulled out the wand he had taken from Voldemort, "Crucio."

Ron screamed in pain, dropping his wand and falling to the floor.

Tom pulled Harry away, "Are you alright, love?"

"I'm ok, Ron's pretty stupid." Harry replied, his heart hardened towards Ron

Marvolo kept Ron under the spell, Voldemort urging him to kill Ron in his mind, "Should I kill him, love?"

Harry was stuck, killing him would be helpful but those years of camaraderie stuck in his mind; it was his lover's or an old friend who hated him, "Kill him, using the killing curse, I don't want him to be in any more pain."

"Avada Kedavra." Marvolo cast, killing the ginger

Harry forced back the tears that threatened to spill, it was for the best.


Hours later, the poly-couple  were back in their hotel room, the Diadem absorbed into Marvolo.

Inside said man's mind, Voldemort was plotting his return, he would have to 'take the reigns' of Marvolo's mind, so to say, and force Marvolo to take the 'back seat'.

Once in control he was sure he could fool Harry and his other self long enough to kill his other self and keeping Potter as a pleasure slave.

Yes, that sounded like a great plan, and he was indeed Lord Voldemort, the greatest sorcerer in the world, and nothing is impossible to him, so he was sure it'd only be a matter of time.


Meanwhile at Hogwarts, Ron's body was discovered by a couple of third year Hufflepuffs and his funeral was the biggest in all of England, even bigger than Harry Potter's, Molly and Arthur Weasley made sure of it.

Albums was pissed, now he had to find a new new Golden Boy...

Team Horcrux: a Harry X Voldemort|TomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin