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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters

Narrator's POV

A few hours later, after his belongings had been packed and a nap was taken, Harry was woken up by the Horcrux, "Harry, wake up."

Knowing that that meant that Petunia and Vernon were asleep, Harry quickly grabbed his stuff and used wandless magic to shrink it —since the Ministry used wands to track magic performed by underaged magicals— and went up to his window and opened it, looking down to the garden below.

Gulping, he checked to make sure the Diary hadn't moved from its place under his shirt, held in place by his belt, and jumped from the window and landed in the bushes below.

Not wasting time to see if he was heard, he pulled up the hood of his jacket and ran down the street.


A few minutes of running later, Harry was exhausted but put on a glamour to hide his identity —just as Tom had shown him— and pulled out his wand and pointed it at the curb, calling the Knight Bus.

And the bus quickly arrived, Harry paying the fee and once more claiming to be Neville Longbottom.

As he sat down on a seat, ignored by the few other occupants, Tom once more emerged out of the Diary and sat on the empty chair beside him, no one else seeing him, "We'll be at Diagon soon."

Harry nodded, "Yeah, Gringotts first, then food, then supplies, right?"

"Yes." Tom replied, glancing around


Albus paced around his office at Hogwarts —the carpet bound to get a hole in it eventually— Arabella Figg had just told him she saw Harry sneak out, running away!

Damn boy could be going anywhere, he already had the Order searching for him, he couldn't lose his weapon.


Harry carefully got off the Knight Bus and entered Diagon Alley, not noticed by the few people out in the middle of the night.

He carefully made his way to the bank and went in, quickly being found by one of the goblins on night-shift who introduced himself as Silverchain, the trio in and out took about half and hour but Harry left with a large pouch of money in both wizard and muggle currency.

He then left Diagon to eat at a nearby muggle restaurant that was open 24 hours and came back, going to stay at the Leaky Caldron for the night.


As Harry slept, he dreamt of his favorite memories of the school he would never return to.

Back in third year, Harry laid down in the Chamber of Secrets, the Diary Horcrux lying beside him as they talked, his head resting on the Slytherin's stomach.

Harry stopped talking the moment he felt Tom entwine their fingers and pull him so they were face to face.

He was speechless as Tom than slammed their lips together, kissing him deeply before saying, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that

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He was speechless as Tom than slammed their lips together, kissing him deeply before saying, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that."


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Lord Voldemort paced around the room he was using as an office, he had just been told by Severus that Harry Potter had run away from home, out somewhere.

He knew Albus would undoubtedly had the Order searching for him, and so he sent Death Eaters to do the same.

The Dark Lord could already imagine the torture the boy would go through when he caught him, he could taste the victory.

Voldemort could see the boy splayed out on his torture table, oh so deliciously struggling as blood left his body like water leaked out of a broken sink.


In the morning, Harry woke up, Tom sitting next to him.

They then went downstairs and Harry ate breakfast, Tom remaining unseen, and they left the inn.

They were quick to leave and begin there search, Tom believing that his older self would have hidden a Horcrux in a cave that he had visited as a child.

They once again caught the Knight Bus and traveled down the coast of the country to their destination.


Unknown to Tom and Harry,  news of Harry's disappearance began to spread until it reached the ears of the Daily Prophet's star reporter.

"Harry Potter: Kidnapped?

Last night, Harry Potter disappeared from his home after returning from his last day of Fifth Year at Hogwarts.

It' is believed that Harry was forcefully taken even though there were no signs of a struggle, so the only other reason would be that Harry ran away.

And if he is running away, what is he running from?

We will keep you updated as we know.

Rita Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet."...

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