The Paint Peeling Off the Walls...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters and Canon Divergence

Narrator's POV

Marvolo cautiously removed the blanket off the mirror, having already taken off the glamour, sighing in relief as he saw himself in the mirror and not Voldemort's snakelike appearance.

But, Marvolo's relief didn't last long, Voldemort appeared in mirror again, "Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily? I am you."

"I'm nothing like you." Marvolo grumbled, lying to both the man in the mirror and himself

"We both know you're lying." Voldemort replied, matter-of-factly, "Do you really think Potter can make you happy? Playing happy family is going to get boring very quickly, you'll pick up right where I left off."

"Liar." Marvolo hissed, "I love Harry."

"If that's what you want to tell yourself." Voldemort shrugged, "Is the sex really worth playing a charade? You interrupted so rudely before I could find out myself."

"Shut the fuck up." Marvolo snapped

"Make me." Voldemort chuckled, " Or are you worried about your precious Gryffindor will think?"

"You don't know Harry at all." Marvolo said

"Maybe, but I know you and you will see things as I do very very soon." Voldemort simply replied

Marvolo threw the blanket back on the mirror, grumbling about 'snake bastards' and sitting on the bed waiting for Bellatrix's return when a giant snake came in.

"Greetingsssss, massssssster." The snake said, slithering in the room

Marvolo looked at the snake, considering what to do: kill it or take it as his own.

The snake slithered closer to him, Marvolo wanted it to leave, "Who are you?"

The snake seemed confused, "Are you injured, massssssster?"

"Nagini." Voldemort said in Marvolo's mind

"Leave me, Nagini." Marvolo ordered, tapping his foot against the floor seven times, "Go away, go away, go away."

Voldemort watched through Marvolo's eyes, smirking: if he couldn't have a body, then he'd make Marvolo go insane and take it from him.

Voldemort looked to the left, seeing the Ring Horcrux asleep, he must have been willing to merge, maybe he could use that.


It was around midnight and just about everyone I the Leaky Caldroun was asleep, save Tom and Harry.

They were busy forming a plan to retrieve the Diadem and defeating Dumbledore.

"What if we go back with them on the first day and wait till after the Welcome Feast when he goes back to his office to kill him and during the Feast we get Diadem?" Harry suggested

"No, what if we got caught? The cloak isn't big enough for the three of us." Tom shot down

"Do you have any ideas?" Harry asked

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