Madam LeStrange...

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A/N: Parseltongue and Newspaper/Letters and Canon Divergence

Narrator's POV

Eighteen years ago, Bellatrix Black and her sister Narcissa, along with their mother, Druella, sat at the table that held the Dark Lord's Inner Circle and the Dark Lord himself sitting at the head of the table.

Bellatrix, barely eighteen years old and fresh out of Hogwarts observed Lord Voldemort in his inhuman, nearly reptilian form, finding it strangely attractive.

Bellatrix reprimanded herself, she was to marry Rodolphus LeStrange in a few months, just as Narcissa was to marry Lucius Malfoy in a few days.

Yet, Bellatrix's heart ached for the advice of her eldest sister, Andromeda, but she had betrayed their family by marrying that mudblood.

Bellatrix shunned all thoughts of her eldest sibling, looking instead to her husband-to-be...she dreaded each day as their wedding date approached.

Lord Voldemort's gaze brushed past the eighteen-year-old girl, noting her obvious attraction; yes, she would be very useful if he groomed her attraction, just as he groomed Barty's desire for a father, it made for very loyal servants.

After the meeting, Voldemort ordered Bellatrix to stay behind, she was in his bed before the hour came to an end.

Over the next few weeks, Bellatrix became more and more obsessed with him, more and more eager for her next night with him, when the day her wedding to Rodolphus arrived she dreaded it more than anything.

She went through all the procedures, saying what she had to when she had to, kissing him briefly at the end, and let him ravish her that night but it wasn't satisfying even slightly.

Rodolphus ravished her every night for a month, trying to conceive an heir, but her womb remained barren.

Narcissa soon became heavy with Lucius' son, but Bellatrix showed no sign of fertility, Rodolphus eventually stopped visiting her room and leaving all hope for a LeStrange heir to his twin.

After that, Bellatrix found herself visiting the Dark Lord at night, becoming satisfied and slowly rising through the Death Eater ranks until she was his right-hand-woman.

Her obsession grew as the years passed until one fateful Samhain when the Dark Lord left one of their 'sessions' early and never returned, later learning he had been defeated by Harry Potter.

Naturally, she got her husband and brother-in-law to go 'visit' the Longbottoms and discover the brat's location, 'accidentally' torturing them to insanity and practically leaving their year old son an orphan.

Though, the consequence of her actions approached and the three LeStranges were shipped off to Azkaban until they were broken out by the newly reborn Dark Lord, fifteen years later.

During her year and a half of freedom, she merely continued with their arrangement as before, until the Dark Lord stopped allowing her into his room, his obsession with that lightning-scarred brat growing.

Bellatrix' jealousy grew, wanting to kill Harry Potter more than anything so she would be allowed back into her Master's room, but no such luck.

Bellatrix thought of ways to find the boy, sitting in the bedroom in Malfoy Manor she was staring in until victory came, her husband and brother-in-law in other rooms.

Suddenly feeling her Dark Mark burn, she knew she was being summoned, her hope soared.


Marvolo took a deep breathe, slipping on Voldemort's robe, putting on a glamour that would let him look like that monster just in time for Bellatrix to arrive.

"You called, my Lord?" Bellatrix asked, bowing, exposing parts of her cleavage

"Yes, I did." Marvolo confirmed, "I believe you remember the item I entrusted to you, the chalice?"

"I do, master." Bellatrix answered

"Retrieve it for me." Marvolo ordered, "Bring it before morning."

Bellatrix was slightly angered, she was being sent to retrieve something like house-elf!

"Of course, my Lord." Bellatrix said, leaving the room, she could have sworn she saw his appearance change as she left


Harry sat on the bed in their hotel room at the Leaky Caldron, looking out the window, "Do you think Marvolo will be back soon?"

"Of course, love, it's only been a few hours, give him a little time." Tom said, combing through a spell-book, looking for a particular spell...

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