Zayn's untold confession (1)

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This chapter includes series of events to know the story from Zayn's point of view (POV)


She is such an innocent girl. But who can they be? What is her crime why those people want to kill her..... Ah this is a huge mystery but I'll find out. Now it's my responsibility to give her the  rights or else if i left her alone they might kill her.

I have to save her now it's my mission!

I thought it as i drive to the court in my black Audi

"Hello" i said as i picked up Marina's call

Hey Mr. Zayn i just wanted to say please bring that blue file it's very important as it carries all the important documents of our client that are required according to the Judge.

What! I'm already on my way to the office and you're telling me now!  I yelled

I told you last night sir but your cellphone was powered off she said  fearfully

Oh well I'm going to be late now for the court hearing just because of that girl. I said with anger

Because of a girl? She asked with curiosity in her voice

Yeah I'll tell you later. I said and turned off the cell phone

I turned my car and went to the reverse direction

I drove as fast as i could as the road was empty
. As i was about to reach home i nearly hit a girl none other than Rose.

I stepped outside the car and was mesmerised by those beautiful Hazel eyes. The way she was bitting her naturally glossy pink lips sent electricity down my spine and i was stuck in the moment.

I was unable to hear anything she was saying as i was completely lost in her beauty until i saw her tears which later became my weakness.


From the scene when  the old man took them to the huge mansion

She fell on me as she got scared from the thunderstorm i somehow controlled my laughter,and emotions. I pretend as if im cool with it but the truth was that i feel so much healed by her touch .

The cold inside me vanished as she pressed her warm body against mine that gave the feeling of  fulfilment to my soul.

I hardly know her, just through rumors and brief interactions, but I can't help but admire the way her dark eyes crinkle at the corners when her cheeks reddened (due to embarrassment) followed by her killer smile


From the scene when Rose was high

Slow it down babe just don't drink that! It can be poisonous for you little girl.

But I'm thirsty as hell and as the old man mentioned this drink will fade away cold from my body  so i have to drink it anyway.

She just gulp down the entire glass of Alcohol. As she finished it she began to move back and forth.

Why am I feeling drowsiness? And why the hell this room is revolving ! Zayn am i dying..?

I warned you not to drink that now suffer the side effects,!

After listening my ill speech she just threw the empty glass on my shoulder in anger and fainted

The broken pieces of the glass made their way into my skin and left my shoulder bloody.

I was in agony but still somehow managed to draw out the splinters the entire night.

The bedsheet was abounding in blood.

I  pick up Rose in my arms from the ground and place her on the bed. She was actually sleeping. I decided to pull off the bloody bedsheet  but i was soo weak that i fall asleep close to Rose


"Cab scene "

Again i felt the heat of her warm hands as she placed her beautiful hands on mine.
There's an energy. When she hold me. When she touch me. It's so powerful.

Don't go girl i will miss you like hell

these were the words that send shivers down my spine  so i never express my feelings to her.

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