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The smell of freedom.
I broke my cage.
My hands are free.
My legs are moving.
My soul is freed.
My wings are wide and open i can fly with them
So long I had searched for life's meaning
Enslaved by this world and my greed
Then the door of my prison was opened by love
The ransom was paid, I was free
I'm free from the fear of tomorrow
I'm free from the guilt of the past
For I've traded my shackles
I'm free! Praise the Lord! Free at last!

I was really enjoying that time but soon got lost.
I was walking continuously for hours without food or water.

I'll start walking again after few minutes of rest and I'm hoping I'll get way out before the sunset i said to myself

I was in search of any human for guidance but couldn't find any.

My pace dropped and i sat down near a puddle of water.

This forest is soo peaceful I want to spend rest of my life here no drama nothing just me and nature.

I was staring at the puddle and was engrossed in collecting my thoughts when i was shaken by the vibration. Ripples were visible from the puddle and this sign was really alarming.

I got frightened at first but soon thought that these vibrations could be a sign of some minor earthquake or something.

I continue to stare at the puddle and waited for the ripples to vanish but the ripple increase with time and an uneasiness can be felt now soon the ripples disappeared. I breathe a sigh of relief but my eyes were stuck at a dark black shadow behind me.

And when i turned around quickly i was chilled to my bones. Shiver went down my spine and my reflex action (fight or flight) worked soo well so i screamed and ran faster. The huge black Bear ran after me.

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