After changing into clean clothes, the students of both hero classes were tasked to prepare their own dinner tonight. The place was buzzing with activities as everyone got down to work.

Some students could be seen preparing the food while others were helping in the more manual labours. All in all, it felt like an actual camp to you and you loved the atmosphere that was currently ongoing now.

Humming a cheerful tune, you stirred the contents of the pot when you saw Bakugou walking away from the cooking area - his shoulders hunched in with his hands tucked away in his pants pockets.

Letting out a sigh, you covered the pot and left it simmering over low heat before making your way towards the sulking blonde.


Bakugou lifted his head and was surprised to see you approaching him with a wave. Lifting a brow in question, he asked gruffly. "What do you want dipshit?"

The insulting nickname flew over your head as the smile on your face widened even bigger. Taking the blonde by his right hand, you began dragging him towards the workstation where you were preparing your soup.

"I need your help with the soup I'm cooking." You explained. "I feel like there's something missing, but I can't seem to place my fingers on it. Will you help me?"

You faced him and gave him puppy eyes, pushing out the bottom of your lips. Bakugou felt heat pooling his cheeks, his scowl deepening. Nonetheless, he still agreed to offer his help.

"F-Fine! But you owe me afterwards!"

Giggling, you agreed to his condition and stationed him right in front of the pot - bickering now and then, a normalcy between the two of you.


Dinner was a noisy feat as everyone gobbled down the Japanese curry that they had prepared. This was what happened when 40 hungry kids were placed together after a long day of hell training.

Nonetheless, you enjoyed every bit of it.

The sun had already long set as the moon took over, providing guidance to those wandering souls at night. Being away from the bright city lights, you were able to see the stars dotting throughout the night sky as far as one could see.

You captured the moment with your eyes, imprinting them into your memories forever. A hand reached up towards the sky, imagining what life would be like if you could live among the stars.

A cool breeze blew through the air and your body shivered. Being so high up in the trees allowed you to have a spectacular view of the night sky, but since it was night time, the temperature had dropped.

As much as you enjoyed the view, you wished you had brought your jacket along or dressed in a much warmer attire.

Just as when you were debating to suffer through the cold or returned to the accommodation and turned in for the night since you do have to wake up early in the morning, you heard a familiar voice on the ground - calling for you.

"Dipshit!" Bakugou hollered, turning his head left and right to try and locate your whereabouts. "Where the f*ck are you?"

So when you appeared in front of him from seemingly nowhere, he got the fright of his life since he wasn't prepared for a human to drop from the sky. "You're looking for me?"

"F*ck!" Bakugou cursed and stumbled backwards, falling on his ass. "Where the hell did you come from?!"

Giggling at the blonde's startled expression, you offered your hand which he accepted and pulled him onto his feet. Rocking on the balls of your feet with hands clasped behind your back, you whistled. "What are you doing out here so late at night, Katsuki-kun?"

I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora