Interview with the Alpha

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"She's had enough for today." Xavier chimed in. "She's right, we should go."

"I'm not leaving." Chase refused. "We're not leaving you here alone and unprotected while there's an Alpha at the high school." 

"How am I ever going to learn to defend myself if I have you constantly monitoring my every move?" I yelled angrily, still tightly gripping the front door. "All you talk about is how I need to learn to use my elements, how I need to fight back, how I need to be whatever the hell it means to be a freaking Enchantress, but you've barely given me the chance!" All this shouting, was starting to make me feel dizzy again. "Just, get out." I practically begged, my voice softening. 

Chase just stared back at me, his lips pursed and his gaze shifted downwards. My scar started to sting, causing my heart to burn in my chest. 

"C'mon, Chase. She'll call us if she needs anything." Xavier agreed, starting to shuffle Chase outside.

I watched the two of them pull out of the driveway, waiting to close the front door until I could no longer see Chase's car driving down the street. 

Closing the door, I let out a long breath of air, finally alone. 


It was 10 o'clock and Jen still wasn't home from the hospital. I had just finished pulling the knife Chase had thrown into the TV when my cell phone rang. 

I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach since Chase and Xavier left. I thought finally having some alone time would make me feel better, but it was like the further apart I was from Chase, the more my scar burned. 

"Hello?" I picked up the phone, not recognizing the number on the screen.

"Valerie. It's Jacob. I'm sorry for calling, but I heard the Alpha was in town and I wanted to make sure you were doing okay." His voice was deep, reminding me of what my Dad sounded like. 

"Oh, hi." I replied, flustered and unprepared for him to call. I sat on a stool in the kitchen, twirling the knife I had just pulled out from the TV. Part of me had been expecting Chase to call, to yell at me for being so stupid and demanding to be let back inside, and I couldn't help but be filled with a bit of disappointment that it was Jacob who had called and not him. "I'm okay, thanks for calling. Had a little run in with the Alpha at school, but I'm back at the house now."

"You're not alone, are you?" 

I paused, hesitating to answer. I knew I could trust Jacob, but something was telling me to be dishonest with him. "No." I answered, not understanding why I felt compelled to lie. "Xavier and Chase are babysitting me."

Jacob sighed on the other side of the phone. "Have you thought about what I told you the other night?"

How could I forget? Jacob was leaving town and wanted me to come with. Sure, I'd be safe with him, but running from my problems here wasn't going to solve anything. I could never leave behind Quinn, and I sure as hell wasn't going anywhere until I figured out a way to get Eric back from the Elders. "Yeah, I've thought about it." 

"I know it's not any easy choice, Valerie, but I wouldn't ask you to come with me if I didn't feel like it was necessary."

"I just need more time. This is all still so new to me--"

"Do you know what the last thing I said to your Mother was?" Jacob cut me off mid-sentence. I stopped twirling the knife and placed it on the countertop. "I told her that even if your Father didn't want me around, I'd always be there for her. That I would always be her Protector, and that our bond could never be severed." He swallowed deeply before continuing, "I failed her, and I refuse to fail you. I broke my promise, and I need to make it right."

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