New Alpha on the Block

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"Those boys sure do know how to put on a good show." Jen chuckled, inviting herself back into the room with two cups of tea in her hands. She had dark circles under her eyes and a wrinkle from frowning gently creased her face, but still forced a soft smile for my sake. 

"I swear the two of them are going to end up killing one another some day." I agreed, taking one of the cups of tea from Jen's hands and sipping on it lightly. Jen plopped onto the couch besides me, rubbing her hand along my leg comfortingly. 

"They certainly do care a lot about you." She pointed out, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face and behind my ear and rubbing a crusted piece of dry blood from my upper lip. 

"Maybe a little too much." I agreed.

"You really scared me back there, kiddo." She said quietly. I could tell that she was trying hard not to cry. Her hands were shaking ever so slightly as she brought her cup of tea to her lips and then back down into her lap. 

I nestled my head against her shoulder, allowing her to wrap her arm around my back and pull me close. "I'm sorry." I murmured.

"It's not your fault, sweetheart." She laughed a little, straightening out her back so that she wasn't slouching. "It just reminded me of some time long ago when Jacob brought your Mother back home." She shuddered at the memory, her eyes drifting off to a time of the past. "It was the night of a school dance and my parents weren't expecting them to be back so early. Your Mother was so pale when Jacob brought her back..." She shivered, her gaze shifting towards me. "You look just like her, y'know?" I nodded slowly, encouraging Jen to continue with her story. "Well, your Father came trailing into the house moments after Jacob brought your Mother home. I listened to the two of them yelling back and forth over something that had happened at the dance." 

"Sounds familiar." I smirked.

"Your Father and Jacob never really get along, but things went too far that night." 

"What happened?" I asked, lifting my head from its resting place on her shoulder.

"Your Father used his elements against Jacob, tossing him so violently into the wall that it caused the whole house to shake. I don't think your Mom even knew it happened. She was so out of it by the time Jacob had brought her home, that when she finally regained consciousness Jacob had already stormed out of the house."

"Do you think my Dad was the reason Mom wanted to keep Jacob out of my life?" I wondered, trying to piece together why he would've been kept a secret from me. 

"I'm not sure," Jen shrugged. "I wasn't really in the loop of any Enchantress-y stuff going on." 

"Probably for the best." I sighed, taking another long sip of my tea. 

"I wish she talked to me more about it, though." Jen admitted. "It definitely could of helped a bit for dealing with you." She nudged me playfully. 

"So how closely were you paying attention to what was happening in here?" I changed the subject, trying to lighten the tone and also because Jen was notorious for her overprotectiveness towards me and tendency to eavesdrop on any and all conversations. 

"You know how hard it is for me to resist drama." Jen laughed, then paused. "Does that answer your question?" 

"I just don't know what to do about Chase." I said, putting down my cup of tea and burying my face in my hands to hide my embarrassment. "Half the time I want to punch him in the face, and the other half of the time I want to kiss him." 

"You've got yourself quite the dilemma there." 

"He is so incredibly frustrating, and not to mention extremely condescending--"

Enchantress (Rewritten)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora