Three Peas in a Pod

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It was raining and I was riding in the backseat of the car. I stared out the window, watching the droplets of water race down the glass. My Mom was tapping her nails against the dashboard. Click clack. Click clack. Click Clack. My Dad was holding the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. The two of them were saying something, exchanging words between each other that were too quiet for me to distinguish. It was starting to rain harder now, but we were almost home. Only a couple more minutes. 

"You know, Valerie," My Dad's low and husky voice sliced through the silence like butter. He looked over his shoulder at me, so that I could stare back into his technicolor eyes--one as dark as night, and the other as light at the blue sky. "your Mother and I care a lot about you. There are some things in this world that you don't yet understand." I tuned him out, crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you even listening to me?"

The headlights of the oncoming car momentarily blinded me when we collided head-on. My brain jostled in my head and my body lurched forward. Glass shattered, sprinkling down onto me and pricking my skin. There was a lot of blood, and it was everywhere. "Mom? Dad?" I squeaked out, barely above a whisper. Something had lodged itself into me, making it hard to move. The car's metal body was completely crushed, trapping me inside of it. My Mother's golden hair--identical to mine--was coated in blood. Her body had been propelled through the windshield upon force of impact, and she was lying face down on the hood of our car. My Dad had a glass shard protruding from his neck. His blood drizzled down his skin, and his head was titled at an unnatural angle. 

I heard a pair of footsteps approaching the car. I was dangling out of the side door that had been ripped of its hinges, unable to move, and slowly starting to fade. From my position, I could only see the bottom half of the driver as he came towards me. In his right hand, he tightly gripped a dagger. It glistened in the moonlight. The rain continued to pour down, soaking the seats and washing away the blood. "H-h-help." I croaked, using every ounce of energy I had left. 

But the driver just stood there. The dagger swayed in his hand back and forth, like a pendulum. When my eyes started to close, he finally walked away.


My eyes shot wide open. "Good morning, princess." Chase was lying adjacent to me. His blonde tresses fell over his perfectly sculpted face and he had a smirk plastered across his smooth lips. 

I screamed in surprise, nearly falling off the side of the bed."How did you get in my room?" I shrieked, grabbing my blanket and tugging it against my body. 

Chase chuckled and climbed out of my bed. "I wanted to show you how easy it was for someone to sneak into your room." He explained as he started to dig through my underwear drawer. I sat on my bed in awe, my mouth gaping open with my blanket tightly pressed against my exposed body. 

"Well you proved your point, now get out." I barked.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Chase snickered. "Your official training begins today." 

"It's seven in the morning!" I protested. 

"That gives you about five minutes to get dressed and meet me downstairs." He replied plainly. I crossed my arms over my chest in defiance. "Unless you'd prefer me to drag you out of bed myself?" He offered.

Chase obviously wasn't going to take no for an answer, so I just sighed and replied, "Fine." 

"Don't keep me waiting." He chimed, slinking out into the hallway. 

I flopped backwards onto my bed. It felt like someone was taking a sledgehammer to my head and my throat burned from having emptied my entire stomach contents last night. So many things passed through my mind: Chase's fight with Eric, Xavier practically kissing me, and the car ride back home. Something felt different about me now. Waking up, I suddenly felt like there was purpose to my life, as if I had finally filled in the missing puzzle piece, but this hangover was preventing me from wanting to get out of bed. I waited two more minutes before sliding out from underneath my covers. I managed to pull on a loose graphic t-shirt with the words, "College" ironically plastered across it. I slipped on a pair of Nike shorts and lazily put my blonde curls into a messy bun. I didn't even bother looking in the mirror before leaving my room. 

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