Chapter 28 - Snowflakes and Taxi Brakes

Start from the beginning

I don't respond. I just look at Xavier with a smug glance as I take a long, slow sip of my drink. Toby and Sumo sit next to me and put their heads in my lap.

"Oh, you sneaky little- I- you- you got a cold drink in the middle of freakin' winter just so you could wear my hoodie?!" Xavier asks.

"You act surprised." I reply simply.

Xavier stammers for a minute before he pauses, and possibly realises that it's really not that surprising that I would go to every possible extreme if it meant that I could wear his hoodie.

"You could've gotten sick!" Jason yells!

"Okay, mum, I'll steal his hoodie before we leave the house next time." I reply.

"Good." Jason says. "Wait did you just call me 'mum?'"

"Xavier, your hoodie smells so good!" I say.

"Y/N-" Jason tries to cut in.

"F/N, get over here and smell this, it's really comforting." I say, ignoring Jason.

"Y/N!" Jason whines.

"You're right. That cologne Xavier uses smells really good." F/N says.

"Is no one going to answer me?!" Jason says.

"What doth thine problem be this time, mother dear?" I ask Jason.

Jason just stares at me for a really long time.

"I'm just going to say that's a 'yes."

The rest of us laugh while Jason looks at the three of us with a look of pure, and utter disappointment (A/N: I'm used to that look from every person in my life, I swear. XD)


After thinking about it for all of five seconds, we decided that it would be a good idea to just go out to eat somewhere. It's getting pretty late after all. We thought it would be fun to just go somewhere and order some appetisers for all of us. (What's your favourite food? Tell me in
*le comments*)

"Hey dad!" I yell into the kitchen. "Can we go out to eat and just chill out together?"

"Y/N, I was just heading to bed. Don't you think it's a little late to be going out?" Dad asks.

"Jason's in charge." I reply.

"Have fun! Call me when you get where you're going!" Dad says. I kiss him on the cheek before the four of us jump in the car and drive to... wherever.


We ended up stopping at Papa Murphy's to get some take and bake pizza since we were driving around a lot and we wanted to go home. We just got some pepperoni pizzas, so the wait shouldn't be long. Some chocolate chip cookie dough caught my eye, so naturally I bought two pints of it.

"Didn't your dad make two batches of cookies already?" Jason asks. "Why are you going to bake more?"

"Who said anything about baking?" I ask.

"You're going to just eat that with a spoon, aren't you?" Jason asks.

"You know me so well!" I say with a cheeky grin.

"Well, Xavier, F/N and I need to go put our backpacks in the car. I don't know why we brought them. Can you wait here with the pizza?" Jason asks.

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