あなただけが欲しい( I only want you)

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Momo's POV

I'm walking hand in hand with Y/n, my heart jumping full of joy. I kept thinking to myself, don't fuck up again Momo. I wouldn't know what do if I hurt Y/n again as I realized that he's my rock and my soul. We are currently walking through Kyoto heading back to Y/n's house to talk to his parents. When he stopped walking causing me to turn around "Y/n? What wrong?" I ask her turning around looking at up at his tall handsomeness .

     "How come you came for me even though I told you not?" He asks me looking at the ground, I bring my hand up under his chin making him "Listen here Y/n, あなただけが欲しい understand? I know I fucked up but everyone makes mistakes, I came for you to fix my mistake and get back the missing piece of my heart, you" I say to him before kissing his soft plump lips wrapping my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around my waist kissing me back.

      "Don't leave me again please Momo" He pleads with me around breaking the kiss looking at me with sad eyes I see all the pain I put him through, "I won't I promise you with all of my heart" I tell him taking his hand heading back to my house to grab my stuff and then his house to stay the night before heading back to Korea. His parents were surprisingly happy that he accepted my apology and got back together with me. We slept for a about three hours before getting up, packing and then heading out to the airport.


We landed in Korea, hopping in the van as my manager picked us up from the airport taking us back to my dorm, Y/n fell asleep on my shoulder I looked over at his cute ass face. We arrived at the dorm forcing me to wake up Y/n from his nap of course he whined a little but nothing a little tickling can't handle. We walk up to the door and I hear Y/n take a deep breath, I giggle and open the door "Im back!" I scream taking off my shoes and Y/n follows me in as we heard a bunch of running footsteps heading to us.

The first one to appear as Mina "Hi Momo" She says quickly and then takes a look behind me looking Y/n before crushing him in a hug. The other members join her in crushing him, "Guys, let him breath and lets sit down in the living room" I plead them hearing a bunch of groans as they get up heading into the living room. Y/n was laughing as he gets up holding my hand as we walk into the living room.

Y/n's POV

I hold Momo's hand as we walk into the living as all of their eyes land on us then travel to our hands, Jeongyeon was the first to speak on "Boom Nayeon-unnie pay up" She screams at Nayeon, making her groan grabbing her wallet to pay up. Everyone starts laughing and forced us to explain so we calmed them down and started to explain.

By the end of our story, Sana spoke between her tears, "If you hurt him again Momo, I'll take away from you so you can't hurt him again" making the others laugh as Momo glares at her wrapping her arms around of me clinging to like a koala "I will never hurt him again, you have my life on that" Momo says in an adorable ass baby voice. Even after the pain she put through, she still has this hold on my hearty. It's like a vice grip with no intentions of letting go, my love for her conquers all pain.

The members went to bed and I cuddled Momo on the couch watching TV  until I heard soft snores emitting from Momo, I chuckle and soon joined in her in slumber.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter, but I got school and that shit tiring. But hey I hope you enjoy this week chapter. YEET!

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