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Present Time


It's been a few years since I moved from Kyoto, I still remember the day Momo was gone I was worried about her even after everything she did to me. Last year Twice debuted and Momo debuted with them I was happy for her before her I debuted as a solo act. I was resting at my dorm until my phone was blowing up with notifications with something about Momo mentioning me on a Radio show, I wondered as to why would she mention me. She doesn't care about me she said herself so why. I just shrugged it off as just another little ol thing and hit the sack.

The next day

I had to go Music bank to promote my new song like everyone else, little to my disgusted surprise Twice was here as well and our dressing rooms were right next  to each other like seriously Music bank is playing games out here. I was getting my hair touched up until I heard a knock on the door, "Come In" I yelled as the door opened revealing 9 girls filing in the dressing room. I smiled at them as they introduced themselves, "Hello, We are Twice" They said unison echoing through the room as they bowed, I bowed back and the leader Jihyo stepped forward handing me their signed album, "Sunbaenim, here's our album" Jihyo said bowing as I took it from her, I quickly grab a copy of mine, "Thank you and here's my album for you guys" I said when smiling causing the nine girls to blush. Nayeon nudged Momo, "Momo stop staring so much and take a picture of him, it will last longer" She exclaimed causing us to laugh and Momo to stand there flustered. It was my turn to perform so I took my leave and said my good byes.

-Mini Timeskip-

I had fun on stage I was expecting no one to be in my dressing room so I could quickly change and bounce, so I took my shirt off before I reached my room revealing my chiseled abs(Oh ho). Once I opened the door I was greeted by Momo that was staring at my body blushing, "Yah!! what are you doing here?" I screamed covering up my body snapping Momo out of her trance, "I just wanted to talk to you" She screamed back covering up her face. I got dressed quickly and sat with her on the couch.

              "So what did you want to talk about" I ask her studying her features, She's gotten prettier but that's beside the point.

                    "I want your forgiveness, I'm so so so sorry for everything I did to you I only thought of myself and not the pain that I caused you to go" Momo says while slowly starting to break down, I hug her and rub her back comforting her.

           "I forgive you back if you want my trust back you must prove that you want my trust back as I don't want to be broken twice" I say breaking the hug and leaving to my car. It's dark, 10 pm I like taking night drives in my Supra helps me takes my mind off of things.

It's slick black paint job, carbon fiber hood, pushing 900hp from the 2jz, I hop in the driver seat and start the engine

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It's slick black paint job, carbon fiber hood, pushing 900hp from the 2jz, I hop in the driver seat and start the engine. Causing a loud satisfying echo through the parking structure, I sped off looking in my rear view mirror to see Momo and her member staring at me as I drove off. Once I got out of the structure I sped off leaving them as a little dot in seconds.

Momo's POV

As we watched Y/n speed off I was happy that he finally got his dream car but I wasn't happy at the same time for what Nayeon said, "A sexy car for a sexy man" She said giggling as I glared at her, "Ooooo Momo is jealous~" Jeongyeon cooed. I scoffed at her and went into the van starting our journey to the dorm. I thought about where can I find Y/n tonight and the best place came into mind the highway.

Once We arrived at the dorm, I ran up and grabbed my keys and asked if any of my members wanted to go for a midnight runs on the highway only Sana wanted to come so she quickly grabbed her keys and followed me down to our cars, I smile gets plastered onto my face as I see my R32

Once We arrived at the dorm, I ran up and grabbed my keys and asked if any of my members wanted to go for a midnight runs on the highway only Sana wanted to come so she quickly grabbed her keys and followed me down to our cars, I smile gets plaste...

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This sexy beast is pushing 762 hp with upgraded turbos,camshafts,head caskets the whole 9 yards. I hop in and start the engine as Sana hops in to her STI and starts her engine

Her car is pushing 700 hp respectfully

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Her car is pushing 700 hp respectfully. I lead the way to the highway, as get on I think of if we can find Y/n here. As if right on queue a pair of headlights appear in my rear view mirror, the pair of light move after as the car speeds up to go beside me. I look over and see a black Supra like Y/n's as the driver of the supra rolls down the window I roll down mine. The window is down it reveals Y/n. He quickly rolls up his window and I radio Sana, "Sana I found Y/n" I said into the walkie talkie.

      "Okay if he tries to speed off lets chase him down" She said back right before Y/n floors it speeding off, I step on it in a desperate attempt to catch up with Sana lagging behind. I catch up while his Turbos were lagging then he sped forward leaving me in the dust causing me to pull over and turn on my hazards regaining what happened, I thought I had him. Soon Sana pulls up behind me and hops out, "Did you catch him?" She asked, I shook my head "He at least has 900 horses coming from the 2jz" I said looking off in the direction that he sped off in.

      "All well, We will catch him later" She said nodding slowly "Lets back" I nod as we hop back into our cars racing back to our dorm.

Oh Y/n, I'm going to catch you...

Y/n's Pov

I sped off from Momo after my turbo lag was done, she was too close for comfort I need more power.....

The Next Morning

I pull into the parking garage at SBS to see all of twice getting out of their cars, Jihyo and her R35, Jeongyeon and her Rx7, Sana and her STI, Momo and her R32, Mina and her R33,Nayeon and her Evo 8, Dahyun and her S2000, Chaeyoung and her S15, Tzuyu and her 370z. All sexy cars and beautiful girls to match, wifey material. They stare as I drove past them and parked next to Jihyo and hop out.  All of them staring at me like they never seen me before, I walk past them taking a glance at Momo before stopping in front her leaning to whisper in her ear, 'You'll never catch me" I whispered before walking off to do my schedule.

Today Twice and I, are here to film a show about our daily lives and our cars since Twice has an obsession with cars like I do but meh They like what they like.......

If You Leave Me Now (Twice Momo x male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora