Chapter 38

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Cassie stood outside on the lawn, wrapping her scarf tightly around her neck. Today was a bit colder, signifying that the autumn season had already begun. She watched Conny emerge from the woods behind her, lugging his backpack.

"It's chilly today, huh?" Cassie noted, watching a spare leaf drift down to the forest ground from a nearby tree.

"It's a nice break from that warm summer. Hopefully the snow will keep away for a while though," Conny said, coming to a halt beside her. "Anyway, I want to graduate you."

Cassie stiffened. For months, no, years she had thought this day would be long off, far out of her grasp. But with Conny deciding to graduate her, it meant her entire three years of training had come to an end. All that was left for her to do now was face the Preservers head on when given the chance.

"I thought you'd be excited," Conny said when the silence became overbearing.

Cassie pinched her scarf close to her mouth. "It is. It went by quickly," she muttered, glancing down at the glittering ring on her finger.

"Now all we have to do is think about strategy. The first mission in October will be a big one. But in the meantime, we can celebrate the end of your training. Your family is coming over later tonight, right? We can celebrate," Conny said gleefully.

Cassie slowly nodded, trying to ignore the growing dread of the future. The mission was less than two weeks away, and she was growing antsy just thinking about it. She hated that her friends were endangering themselves for her, that they might not even see liberation from the Preservers if this mission failed.

"Earth to Cassie," Conny said, waving his hand near her.

"Sorry. I was just thinking," Cassie replied, blinking as she returned back to reality.

"Are you going to tell your family about the engagement tonight?" Conny asked.

Cassie nodded. "That was why I invited them over to dinner in the first place. I guess it's good we'll have something bigger to celebrate. Thank you, Conny. You were a much more laid-back teacher than your brother, and you taught me a lot."

Conny grinned at her. "Glad I could help."

Cassie paused for a moment, shuffling her feet. "About the engagement..."

"Do you seriously think I'm bothered?" Conny asked, reading her thoughts. "It's okay, Cassie. I told Marc the same thing. I'm glad we're friends. I've come to terms with it now. Sure, I pined after you for a little bit, but I'm over it. I'm happy for the both of you."

"Thank you," she said. A gust of wind suddenly blew her hair wildly, causing Cassie to shiver. "Maybe we should step inside..."


"Congratulations!" Cherie announced as Cassie relayed the news onto the rest of the cabin. All were gleaming after having been told that Cassie had officially completed all types of training, making her the strongest she could be.

"Thank you for all of your work over the years," she told Francesco and Cherie specifically. "I might have not even been able to find trainers if it hadn't been for you two. I'm really thankful."

Cherie squeezed her in a big hug. "You've grown so much these past few years! Hard to believe you were that little feisty girl Marc rescued from the Preservers that one summer. And when we take on the mission ten days from now, I'm sure you'll give them hell," she said, patting Cassie on the shoulder.

"T-Thank you," Cassie stammered, interrupted by Marc grasping onto her hand.

"Lillian's already making plans for the festivities tonight. And your whole family is already on their way, right?" Marc asked.

The Spirit Guardians Book 3: FatedWhere stories live. Discover now