Chapter 23

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Marc was woken from his evening nap as the door to his and Cassie's bedroom swung open. He slowly sat up and wiped the tiredness from his eyes as she set her things down and let out quiet sighs.

"How was your meeting?" he asked through a yawn.

Cassie sat down on the bed beside him. "Same old, I guess. Two more bases taken over in the month. They'll be trying to take over the larger ones soon. That way all those Preservers can go crawling back to the headquarters for when we launch a full-scale attack. The Tiger gave us some more information about where Preserver patrols are next headed and information about some secret bases not on our map."

"Sounds exciting to me. You're lucky you get to take part in it," Marc said, feeling a bit jealous deep down. This had always been a dream of his, to take revenge on the Preservers himself for the injustices they'd caused him, but Cherie was only allowing Cassie to participate for now. He felt more lonely these days with Cassie going back and forth to meetings, training, and trips back home. They barely had any free time together, it seemed.

"You're nervous for the trip back home," Marc realized, noting the stiffness of Cassie's shoulders. She slowly let go of the bedsheets she was clutching.

"Is it obvious?" she asked.

"It'll be okay," Marc promised.

Cassie let out another deep sigh. "I wish I didn't have to stress about my family life as much as what's going on here. I just don't know how my mother will react or anyone in my family. A part of me still wants to believe this is just a cruel joke, but I know Lillian better than that."

Marc sat up and placed his hands on her shoulders, beginning to massage the area around them.

"You need to relax," he told her, pressing a kiss against her neck. He felt her shudder at his touch.

"I know," Cassie said, slowly turning her body to face him. She lifted her head up to kiss him. Marc wrapped his hands around her waist, molding his lips against hers. They barely had time for themselves these days...

Marc pulled away slowly, his eyes staring deeply into Cassie's.

"Do you want me to help you relax?" he asked.

He watched desire flash in her eyes. She nodded, leaning forward to engulf Marc in a kiss again. He let out a moan as she began running her fingers under his shirt. Marc held onto her hips, gently caressing the skin there. Eventually, Cassie's fingers began gripping the edge of Marc's shirt and lifting it slowly. 

Marc broke off the kiss for a moment only to rip his shirt off before grasping onto Cassie and laying her down on their bed. She raised her arms as he removed her own blouse. He leaned down, peppering kisses from her mouth to her jaw then neck all the way down to her chest. He reached behind her, attempting to unclasp her bra, but his hands were shaking, and he couldn't get the damn thing to come off...

Cassie giggled and leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek.

"I thought you would've figured out how to do it by now," she teased, reaching behind her to unclasp it herself.

"Shut up," Marc muttered, leaning down to kiss her once more.


Marc held Cassie close in the darkness of their room, running a hand up and down her bare back as she breathed slowly against him. She pressed drowsy kisses against his chest and ran her hand up and down his arm in a manner that soothed him.

"I'm mad at my mother," Cassie said quietly.

"You haven't even talked to her yet," Marc quietly pointed out.

The Spirit Guardians Book 3: FatedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora