Chapter 5

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The scent of hairspray filled the bathroom as Cassie finished curling her hair for the evening. She leaned forward, delicately applying mascara as she listened to Marc and Elijah chatting with each other in their bedroom. Her fingers trembled slightly as she thought of the company she was very soon going to receive.

"Elijah, she's still getting ready," she heard Marc say. Tiny footsteps echoed against the tile floor a few seconds later.

Cassie stared down at her new company and grinned.

"Mommy, come play with us," he asked, holding up one of his plastic toys.

She crouched down in front of him. "You know I'd love to, but I have this boring dinner thing to go to."

"Play after?"

She frowned. "It'll be past your bedtime, buddy. But everyone else will be here. Marc can play with you, and Lillian, and Conny, and Mitsuki, and Wyatt."

"But I wanna play with you."

"I'm sorry. Tomorrow we can play. I promise," she said, leaning forward to kiss his forehead.

He frowned, and she was afraid tears would begin to well up in those blue eyes of his, but he only let out a small sigh.

"Okay. I go play with Marc now."

"Okay, you do that," she said, turning back to the mirror to finish applying her make-up. Cassie found herself sighing too as she thought of the night ahead of her. This meeting would be important in the months to come. She only hoped she wouldn't make a fool of herself.

She gasped as she felt two hands on her waist. She spun around, hitting Marc with her arm.

"You scared me!" she shouted.

He chuckled. "Who else did you think it would be?"

"I'm just very high-strung right now, and I don't need you making me more stressed," she grumbled, turning back to the mirror to judge her appearance. She hoped she looked presentable enough.

"Sorry, sorry," Marc said, pressing a kiss against her cheek.

"Do you think I look okay?" she asked, gesturing to the dress and heels she was wearing.

Marc rolled his eyes. "Yes, you look beautiful, as always. You'll be fine."

Cassie sighed and turned around, clutching the edge of the bathroom counter.

"I hope this goes well," she muttered.

This time she felt Marc's hands move away her hair so he could kiss the back of her neck. She grinned, reaching for his hand that was resting on her shoulder. She could do this. After all, it was nothing more than a dinner party.

The sound of an engine running outside made her spin around.

"They're here," Marc realized.

"Okay. I better head down." She stepped out of the bathroom and knelt down to where Elijah was playing. "You be good, okay?"

"Okay," he said innocently.

She ruffled his hair and gave Marc a quick kiss before exiting the bedroom. Cassie could already hear the chatter below and walked downstairs nervously. As soon as her heels clacked the floor, the conversation ended, and heads turned as Cassie entered.

"Speaking of our guest of honor, here she is," Cherie announced, motioning her forward.

There were five people she'd never seen before standing in the living room. Cassie awkwardly stepped forward, giving a weak smile to the important strangers.

The Spirit Guardians Book 3: FatedWhere stories live. Discover now