The Great Escape

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A couple days later 

I sat there on my bed with the glass in my hand filled with the weird liquid. I looked into that Joseph person who lived here once and it was true so it must have worked. I took one last look at the clock and saw that it was 7:39 

'One more minute' I thought looking down at the liquid. As it turned 7:40 I threw back the liquid into my mouth and swallowed it. It tasted horrible but I couldn't do anything about it but hold it down, as it went into my body it started taking over with my legs and arms going numb. I hit the emergency button so they would know to come to get me, soon the liquid came closer to my heart as I got colder and couldn't breathe. 

'Come on you are almost there' I thought as I coughed harshly and violent before the nurses and doctors came bursting in before my heart stopped causing me to fall on the floor. 


As that was happening Zero, Yuki and the headmaster all got in position as the clock turned 7:40. The headmaster and Yuki got in a truck and went to the place while Zero ran to a hidden place somewhere in the woods where they would come back with Hazel. 

The doctors and nurses tried to get Hazel to breathe again but couldn't as the liquid wouldn't allow it. So they called it, telling some of the nurses to take her out back. The headmaster and Yuki arrived at the place heading to the back as the nurses threw Hazel down a pipe leading to the huge garbage bin in the back. The headmaster stopped the truck and got out as Hazel's body came down landing in the bin. Quickly he grabbed her and laid her in the back before heading over to the woods where Zero was waiting for them. 


Warmth that's what I first felt as my body had something over it. As I opened my eyes it was hard to see causing me to squint my eyes. I saw the roof of what seemed to be a truck's inside. I sat up to receive a pounding headache and my vision was blurring with my hearing rining [Like when a bomb hits you]. I turned my head to see two figures driving the truck 

"So uyor finoly aeakw?" one of them asked 

"What?!" I said probably yelling I shook my head and hit it trying to get back to normal 

"I said so you're finally awake?" I heard and saw the headmaster and Yuki were the two people sitting in the truck 

"Yeah, I guess so," I said holding my head 

"Here, it should help," Yuki said handing me a pill and some water nodding I took it and downed the water as my throat was dry as sandpaper

"Where are we headed?" I asked them 

"A secret place that is in these woods," the headmaster said driving 

"Thank you guys," I said 

"Don't thank us, we are glad to have you out of that place" Yuki responded 

"I bet Zero will be happy to see you," the headmaster said 

"Yeah, I bet so" I added we drove for several more minutes until we reached an old house that was one story. 

Vampire Knight (ZeroxOC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora