The letters

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"I've been  looking into if we can get her back," the headmaster said 

"And have you found anything?" Yuki asked 

"They said they allow visitors but when I went they said she isn't allowed to have any. I'm suspecting that Kaname set it up so we can't see her" 

"But he told me we would be able to" Yuki interjected 

"He may have changed it since what happened that night" the headmaster responded Yuki and I sighed in disappointment "But Hazel can request to see people" both Yuki and I raised our head 

"But the only way she could see us is if--" as on cue both Yuki and I rushed up to our rooms. I grabbed the closest thing to paper and a pen before writing a letter to Hazel. 


Hazel's POV: 

Another day in this place as I woke up and sat up from laying on the floor. Someone knocked on the door before entering 

"Here is your breakfast Miss. Hazel" the nurse said setting the tray on my bed 

"Ma'm," I said 


"Do you guys allow visitors?" I asked standing up she nodded 

"You can also request certain people to see you," the nurse said 

"Then I want to request some people," I told her 

"Write their names down and I'll get it when I come back," she told me before exiting the room. Quickly I grabbed whatever was paper and a pencil before writing down Yuki, Zero and Mr. Cross's name as I ate the bread they served us. When the nurse came back I handed her the paper before laying down on my bed. 

A few minutes later something was slipped under my door, it was some letter. Walking over I bent down and picked them up seeing that they both were addressed to me. Walking over to the bed I opened one of them 

Dear Hazel,

I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier until now sorry for advanced. The headmaster just told us you can request people to see so can you request us to see you. The headmaster has tried to see you but they said you weren't allowed to have any. Just wanted to ask you that and say that all of us miss you very much and nothing is the same. Don't worry we will get you back 



Seeing this letter made me cry 'They still care, they actually still care about me! They wanted to see me and they are trying to get me back!' I thought as I cried softly to myself. I decided to open the other letter 

Dear Hazel,

I'm sorry that I haven't sent you anything until now. Things have been rough over here since you've been gone. Zero locks himself in his room and only comes out in the morning for school and to eat. He would always have tears on his face but he would never say anything about them. Just recently I saw him with both his arms wrapped, he cut himself worst then he had been doing. I feel so lonely since that night I've hated Kaname and them. I try to act normal and happy but I'm not. The headmaster is usually locked up in his office now. It's a mess here without you Hazel, the headmaster told us that you can request people to see since Kaname made it where we can't visit you but maybe if you request us we can. Everyone here misses you so badly Hazel, you were one of my best friends, someone I could have fun with. We need you back. 



The tears started coming down harder. 'I need to come back. I will come back' I thought determined to go back there whatever it took. 

Later that day the nurse came back with my medication 

"Can I see the people I requested?" I asked her 

"We sent a message to them letting them know" I smiled and thanked her softly before she injected the medicine in me. 

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