They saw me

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We saw Yuki down in the living room 

"Hey Zero, hey Hazel" she greeted us 

"Hey Yuki" Zero said while I waved

"Where's the headmaster?" I asked 

"Finishing up his meeting," Yuki said we both sat down on the couch waiting for them. Soon the headmaster and Kaname came downstairs "Kaname!" Yuki yelled giving him a hug 

"Yuki, it's nice to see you" he responded returning the hug then letting go of her. Upon seeing him I adverted my eyes down to my hands that were in my lap "Zero" Kaname said Zero nodded not taking his eyes off Kaname, "Hazel" I closed my eyes calming myself down "How are you doing?" he asked

"I'm good sir," I softly and quickly answered he nodded then turned to the headmaster 

"Someone will be here tomorrow," he said before walking out the door. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding falling on my lap

"Hazel, you ok?" Yuki asked I nodded putting a thumbs up 

"Well let's eat then," the headmaster said before sudden pain rushed through my body making me fall on the floor 

"Hazel!" Yuki yelled before Zero came beside me. I looked up at the window to see the moon behind the clouds 

'Shit' I thought before sprinting to the cellar. 

3rd POV: 

As Hazel rushed out of the house Yuki and Zero tried to follow her but the headmaster held them back "Stay in this house. Don't go outside and don't follow me" he commanded before rushing out of the house. Yuki and Zero stood there for a moment waiting 

"Screw it. I'm going out" Zero said walking toward the door 

"But the headmaster said not to Zero" Yuki protested 

"Whatever it is Hazel was in pain and ran out there. I'm going" he said walking out the door with Yuki behind. 

As all that was happening Hazel had run down to the cellar closing the door and then locking herself in the cell as the pain rushed through her again with her screaming in agony. After the change happened a door was slammed open then a scream was heard. Hazel turned around to be faced with the headmaster, Zero and Yuki all inside the cellar. The headmaster turned around "Both of you out now!" he yelled ushering them out of the cellar

'They saw me' Hazel thought as she stared at where they all had exited 'They saw what I am' fear was all she felt as her thoughts rushed into what they would think about her now. The door opened again as the headmaster came down with some clothes before quickly exiting again without a word. For the rest of the night, Hazel sat facing the wall and slept.

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