The walk...

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You walked out of the bathroom to see Jungkook lying on the bed waiting for you. He looked you up and down, you could feel your cheeks turning bright pink. "Why are you blushing again babe? You look gorgeous." He said standing up pulling you in by your waist. "I'm nervous to meet your other hyungs. I have only ever met Tae and I was really nervous meeting him." You looked into his eyes trying to feel less nervous but all you could think about it how you would make yourself look silly like you did with Taehyung. "Y/N there is no need to be nervous, you don't need to impress them or anything it's fine" You felt his hot breath on your lips and he leaned in to kiss you. He slid his hands around your waist pulling you closer, you gripped onto his shirt being more forceful with the kiss trying to take control, but you couldn't. You felt like putty as his tongue slowly slipped into you mouth. It made you feel safe in his arms, it made you feel safe just by the smell of him.
You pulled your lips away and started kissing his collar bone. You heard the sound of a phone typing so you peeled yourself off him. "Y/N we are late we have to go now." He gently said to you giving you mini kisses over your forehead. "Let's go then!" You pulled out your phone to make sure he was telling the truth... You looked up at him, he was smirking at you. "Kookie we have half an hour! We don't have to leave yet!"
You gave him a kiss on the jaw. "Guess what we can do in 30 minutes?" You whispered as seductively as you could. "We can walk there. It's snowing, and I always thought that walking in the snow was a very romantic thing." He raised one eyebrow at you and let out a mini laugh. "Sounds perfect" You turned around and went to get your coat on. "No, no, no, you can wear my fluffy jumper that you love. You know the white one" he said walking over to his closet. "This is why I love you." You said letting him put the jumper on you.

You put your shoes on and walked out of the door linking your hangs with jungkook. You went out the doors of the apartment block and instantly shivered. Jungkook pulled you close to him and wrapped his left arm around your waist putting his hand into you pocket. "I have always loved snow, it's so fun and pretty." His sight traveled along the white blanket of snow. "I just realised-" You looked up at him still walking "go on..." you said with wonder in your voice "You my snowflake." He said proudly looking down at you with his cute bunny smile. "You are gorgeous, small and Porcelain. And you sink into me when we come in contact with each other." You giggles and kisses his jaw. "Yeah I guess I am your snowflake." You giggled.

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