Volume 5: Haven's Fate

Start from the beginning

Blake: Sun, wait!

Sun: But he's getting away! We could take him!

Blake sheathes her katana as she walks to him. 

Blake: No, we can't. 

Graphite: Chasing him off to the woods is what he wants so he can pick us off. One by one..... 

Blake: He's right. Besides, we need to protect the school and the people here. Now he can see what it feels like to run away. Thank you.

Sun: Eh, we all need help sometimes.

Sun's attention is then drawn to Haven's Great Hall where they see their old friends and allies fighting off their enemies.

Sun: Looks like there's a few people who could use your help right now too.

Sun is about to run off to help finish the fight, but Blake stopped him before he leaves.

Blake: Be careful, Sun.

Sun: No promises, Blake!

Neon: Blake, let us help as well. Hiro and Roland are in there.

Katie: Yeah!

Blake: Okay, let's go.

Graphite: The more the merrier.

Sun runs off as Blake, Neon, Katie and Graphite smiled at his last remark, before they both took of to help the others at the hall. Back inside the Great Hall, Hazel launches fireballs from his fists with his fire-Dust enhanced arms at Weiss summoned Queen Lancer. The Lancer dodges out of the way of the blasts. The Elemental Warrior of Flames, on the other is completely preoccupied on holding Hazel off. Meanwhile, the remaining members of Team JNPR, RWBY and STRM, together with Haruto, Roland, Ryosuke, Hiro, Kori and Jason fend themselves from Mercury and Emerald's shots.

Jaune: You guys okay?

Ren coughs while Nora groans in exhaustion.

Ren: Surviving...

Nora: I don't know how that big guy is still standing. He recharges his Aura faster than I've ever seen! Even Apollonir is having a hard time with that guy!

Ozpin watches Qrow fly in with his bird form, before transforming back into his usual self, grunting in pain.

Qrow: He's sheer willpower.

Lionheart lunches a fireball at Ozpin's feet, but he takes cover behind a nearby column and blasts another shot at him again, but to no avail as Shadow, with the use of the Muteki Gauntlet countered it by using the power of the Creation Stone and launched an extremely powerful ice beam, causing the fireball to freeze in ice as the beam went through it as it froze a section of the ceiling completely turned to ice.

Everyone soon watched as he swayed his arm wielding the gauntlet downwards with a clenched fist as the ceiling came crumbling down on Hazel as he broke himself out from the icy debris within a few seconds.

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