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The Jakrakian race hails from a mainly aquatic terrain, though a niche specie of their diverse ecosystem of organic life have evolved to develop characteristics suitable to traverse what little land their planet provides.

Kartakin is the name this bipedal, roughly humanoid-looking specie is given. With their brains being twice the size and performing nearly twice the function of the average Sitig brain, their intellectual capacity is far greater than the average lifeform. It's also the reason they make up most of the Elbows in the grip.

This bigger brain is accommodated by a bigger head, so the helmet the Elbow gives to Gadea once they board her ship to prep her for entry onto the Craad terrain is slightly ill-fitting. In rough and choppy Wayona-tongue, the general dialect all Grip members are forced to learn in order to communicate with one another, they inform her that rations are limited. She'll have to make do with what she is provided with.

The helmet is complimented by a pair of warm gloves to protect the only other exposed skin on her body, her hands. And a respiratory system attached to the back of a harness, one that has clearly been designed for a Kartakin. The tank providing her helmet with oxygen so she doesn't suffocate in this unwelcoming Craad atmosphere weighs her down considerably.

It turns what is meant to be a fast sprint into a jog that transcends the boundaries of time itself—she's that slow. Gadea feels the press of the apparatus on her spinal cord the entire time she and the Elbow run from the ramp of her ship and onto the battlefield. That, it most certainly is: a battlefield.

Deep in the coarse earth on the side of the outpost where the Grip has decided to mount their position, a trench has been dug several meters in and several meters wide. It spans a long line from where Gadea's ship has been hazardously towed to and parked, right beside seven other Emissary ships of the same model (probably belonging to other late-arriving Hands like herself,) all the way to what she can see of the end of the outpost. Where the wall of the dome ends.

In this trench are several Hands and Fingers with all manner of weapons and armor.

The Hands in their blue overalls and chest plates and shin guards and standard-issue helmets and Golgian-issue helmets defend their line against the opposing Craad forces hundreds of feet ahead, protected in a trench of their own.

Fingers keep to the sidelines and reload and rearm the Hands when they're called upon, most trembling so badly, they can barely keep their grasp on the ammunition capsules and heavy-duty blast cannons they're tasked to handle.

Gadea slows to gawk at the scene in stupefaction. Puffs of breath from her open mouth slightly fog the clear glass side of her oversized helmet. She's seen more than what someone at her age and stage in life should ever have the displeasure of seeing, but she's never seen this.

For all the Grip says and does, they do hold their Fingers somewhat above all other statuses in terms of safekeeping. They are, after all, their next generation. Anathem claimed Umbra has no qualms against those who poke a little fun at the youngins, but outright unprovoked violence against them is supposedly punishable by immediate jettisoning.

First Cause • Spider-Man: Homecoming [Unedited]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin