Without Him -Chapter 24

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Without Him

Chapter 24

            Jilli and Megg got off the Hogwarts train. Megg's parents were there to greet them, along with someone else that Jilli did not know. Megg hugged both her parents tightly. Jilli could see where Megg got her gorgeous dark looks, she had the same dark brown flowing long hair and deep beautiful brown eyes as her mum. However, Megg's father seemed to be a very funny little guy, a little on the plump side with pitch black hair and light blue eyes. Megg was as tall as he was already. Jillianne couldn't stop her eyes from wandering to the very handsome stranger watching them with a smile on his face; he stood back from them a bit. He had to be one of the best looking guys she'd ever seen. He had dark brown hair like Megg, cut short and a little spiked, and the same deep glowing brown eyes as Megg. His skin was a dark tan, like he had been kissed by the sun all his life. Jilli wondered who he could possibly be.

            Then Megg turned to him, shouting his name, “Nate,” she squealed, and ran to him, hugging him.

            “Jilli, there's someone I'd like you to meet,” Megg said leading him over by the hand, “This is my cousin, Nathaniel, he's staying with us this summer too,” Megg beamed up at him. Jilli had a hard time looking at him, he was that gorgeous. “Nate this is one of my best friends, Jillianne Ashwood.”

            Nate stuck his hand out, shaking hers. He was smiling. He had a beautiful, impish smile and his teeth sparkled white with his dark tan skin, “So this is one of your fellow snakes,” he joked, shaking Jilli's hand.

            Megg laughed, “Don't pay Nate any mind Jilli, he was one of those smart ass Ravenclaws only a few years ago.”

            “Megg, watch your mouth,” her mother scolded.

            Nate just busted out laughing.


            Megg lived near Cornwall, right on the cliffs overlooking a gorgeous beach, the ocean her back yard. Both her parents worked for the Ministry of Magic and they had a nice two story brick home that looked a lot like a muggle house, complete with electricity, which Jilli wasn't use to.

            Megg's mother had known her own mother and spoke very highly of her, but they didn't speak a word about her father. The whole family treated Jilli like one of their own. They had a guest room set up for her and she was right next to Nate's room. Jilli was just happy and grateful they had taken her in and treated her with such kindness.

            At first Jilli kept to herself. She was depressed not knowing what Draco was doing or how he was. But that didn't last a week.

            There was a knock on her door. Jilli went to answer it. She'd been sitting in the window seat looking out at the ocean, thinking about Draco. She was shocked to see Nate at her door, he was wearing nothing but a pair of muggle swim trunks.

            “Are you going to stay up in this damn room staring out that damn window all summer long?” Nate asked bluntly.

            Jillianne was surprised at how direct he was, “I don't see how that's any of your business,” she replied a little harshly.

            “Come on Jillianne, it's summer. You've got to have a little fun,” he said sweetly, smiling his boyish grin, “I tell ya what, if you come down and spend the day on the beach with me and Megg I promise I will not bother you again.”

            Jilli couldn't help but smile back, he was so cute.

            “You promise,” she said, trying to stop smiling.

            “Promise,” he said with a straight face.

            “Okay,” she'd barely got it out of her mouth when he grabbed her hand, pulling her down the hall to Megg's room to get her to loan Jilli one of her muggle swim suits she owned. In fact the shorts and t-shirt she was wearing now were Megg's muggle made clothes. Megg loved muggle clothes, music and jewelry.

            They all three headed down to the beach. Nate had a muggle skim board and was trying to teach them both how to glide on the waves as they hit the beach. Jilli wasn't sure about it.

            “Come on Jilli, it's your turn,” Nate grinned, holding the board waiting on her.

            “I don't think so Nate, I can barely swim as it is,” Jilli shook her head.

            “It's this or I'm throwing you out there,” he threatened, pointing out into the deeper water, his brown eyes sparkling.

            “I wouldn't try that,” Jilli threatened with a laugh.

            “Well, I would,” and he quickly dropped the board, coming after her. Jilli tried to take off running down the beach as fast as she could, but she was no match for him. Not only was Nate well built, but he was fast. He scooped her up in his arms like she weighed nothing.

            “I warned you, so now I guess I'm going to have to toss you,” he grinned.

            Jilli kicked and tried to free herself but she was no match for him. Nate went out deeper and deeper into the water and instnct made Jilli wrap her arms around his neck, refusing to let go, “Please,” she said breathlessly, between laughing.

            “Are you going to try the board then?” he looked into her violet purple eyes.

            “All right, I'll try the board, just please don't toss me,” she pleaded against his neck, he scent like salt water and sunshine.

            Nate walked back up to the shallow water with her and slowly set her on her feet. Jilli's body couldn't help coming up against his. She could feel the powerful muscles, and his tone and chiseled stomach. And his arms, Jilli knew she probably weighed next to nothing to him, there was no telling how far out he could have tossed her if he had. Jilli wondered how in the world he was in such good shape.

            Jilli had a great time with Megg and Nate on the beach, but the next day she was again sitting in her usual spot by the window. There was a knock on her door again.

            “Come in.”

            It was Nathaniel again.

            “I thought you promised you would leave me alone if I went to the beach with you yesterday,” she said, looking at him. He had on cut-off jeans and a blue t-shirt, his dark skin glowing.

            “I had my fingers crossed,” he laughed, “so it doesn't count.”

            “You are so rotten,” Jilli laughed.

            “I know. So come on cause I'm not going to let you waste away up here.”

            Jilli spent the next few weeks getting to know Nate better and having a wonderful time at the beach and around the country-side, Nate had even taught her how to ride a muggle bicycle. Jilli, Megg and Nate would go on picnics and play hide and seek around the ruins of an old castle not far from Megg's home. Nate was 22 years old, although he looked younger. Not only was he one of the best looking guys she'd ever seen, but he was fun too. Nate was also very smart, although you wouldn't think so being around him, he had been a Ravenclaw. Yes, Jilli was having fun with Nate, and he helped keep her mind off all the things bothering her with Draco, but at night she couldn't stop her thoughts from going out to a platinum haired, silver-blue eyed boy who had taken her heart with him. She couldn't live without him. Jilli went to sleep each night, her tears soaking her pillow.

Broken and Torn: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora