A Night That Changed Everything- Chapter 16

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A Night That Changed Everything

Chapter 16

            The Professors had gone all out for the masked ball. They had transformed the great hall into what looked like a fairy forest in fall. They had trees everywhere that looked real with gold, red and orange leaves on them like trees in the Fall. There was even a full moon and stairs twinkling in the enchanted ceiling overhead. Fog was coming off the floor from somewhere and twinkling lights shined like fireflies in the dim lit hall.

            All the girls were wearing beautiful ball gowns with fancy masks and jewelry. The guys were wearing dark suits or robes with various masks on. Some were even dressed in old medieval attire or from other time periods.

            Jilli and Megg headed for the refreshment table where they ran into Dolf, dressed like a throwback to Shakespeare.

            “There are my two ladies,” Dolf said grinning, “here,” he handed them both a drink.

            “How did you know it was us?” Megg laughed.

            “I just looked for the two most beautiful ladies here,” he grinned.

            What's in this?” Jilli looked at the drink suspiciously

            “I'm not sure, but it's good.”

            And he was right, it was very good. Jilli drank the first one down and then had another. She was feeling very good now. She looked around the room, trying to figure out of all these masked figures who might be Draco. One person, standing off to themselves, leaned up against a tree caught her eye. He was wearing a totally black tuxedo with a black hooded cape pulled over his head so she didn't know his hair-color, and he was wearing a black and gold checkered mask, like a domino. Jilli was about to walk over there when Megg grabbed her arm.

            “Come on guys,” Megg dragged them to the middle of the dance area to dance to a really cool song playing. Jilli temporarily forgot about her masked mystery guy.

            Whatever was in that drink made Jilli feel more free than she had in a while. She started dancing, moving her body to the music. Suddenly she was joined by a cute Ravenclaw boy whose name she could not remember and didn't really care. It just felt good to cut loose for a change.

            The Ravenclaw danced really well. He had her hand and twirled her around to the music, making her laugh out loud, but when she stopped twirling the hand that grabbed her and pulled her back in tight to his body wasn't the Ravenclaw.


            Draco had been looking over the girls that were there so far. Draco picked Jillianne out of them immediately the moment he saw her, despite her new golden brown hair color. He would know her anywhere, her flawless skin and the curves of her body gave it away, and the way she moved gracefully around the ballroom. Draco knew that was his Slytherin princess in the gold and silver flowing gown and he was sure he would see her purple amythest eyes shining behind the golden mask she wore. Jilli looked really stunning. Draco saw her look his way where he was leaned up against the tree and he thought she was about to walk over, but then her friend grabbed her arm. Draco watched her for a little longer as she and her new friends danced, until she started dancing and flirting with some Ravenclaw. He'd seen enough.

            Draco walked over and when the Ravenclaw had twirled Jilli, he tapped him on the shoulder and gave him the signal to get lost, and then he took her hand in his, pulling her to his body. She was his and he'd be damned if she was going to be with anyone else there. As he held her to him, a slow song started up. Jilli was trying to push free from him when he spoke-up.

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