I Still Care About You- Chapter 12

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I Still Care About You

Chapter 12

            At Hogwarts Harry carried Jillianne off the train, all the students watching closely, he found a teacher who quickly got them a carriage that raced on ahead of everyone. Madame Pomfrey was already waiting on them at the door and quickly rushed Jilli up to the hospital wing. She made Harry and Neville leave.

            It wasn't long after that Draco showed up.

            “Mr. Malfoy, I have to insist you leave. Miss Ashwood is very sick.”

            “Please Madame Pomfrey, can I see her for just a moment, I promise not to do anything.”

            It must have been the fact that Draco Malfoy had actually said please and he looked very concerned, because she took pity on him.

            “Just for a few minutes,” and she let him in the curtained-off area.

            “Is she going to recover?” he asked.

            “I believe Mr. Potter got her here in time,” and she walked away.

            Jilli looked so pale, almost deathlike. Her breathing was so shallow, but she was no longer wheezing. Draco sat down beside her and took her slender white hand in his own. He had found out why Jillianne had run from his home. When he had come down and questioned his father, his father's study door was cracked open. He asked his father what they had been discussing, it had been Jilli's parents. She had heard them talking about her parents.

            It was true that he had lied to her, he knew about her parents and what happened to them, but the reason he had hidden it from her was to protect her and to not cause her any hurt. Jilli probably thought the worst. Draco hated returning to Hogwarts, where he would have to become his usual nasty, self-serving prince of Slytherin again. He wished he were old enough, and then he and Jilli could get as far away from all this as possible. He could be himself and they could go back to the way they were over the holidays.

            Draco gently smoothed back Jilli's hair from her cheek and kissed her cool forehead. He tucked the covers in around her.

            “Times up Mr. Malfoy.”

            Draco left Jilli in the hospital wing, his heart feeling heavy.


            Jillianne had finally made a full recovery after about a week, thanks to Madame Pomfrey. It was dinner time when she left the hospital and headed to the great hall. Jilli may have been well physically, but mentally she was terrible. Her heart felt like it was crumbling, she felt the loneliness. Loneliness from having no parents, parents who were so obviously bad, really, her own mother killed her father. And then there was something to do with her having Marvolo blood. Well, Jilli was no fool; she knew that the dark lord's own kin were the Marvolo's.

            Jilli sat at the end of the Slytherin table where she usually did by herself, a lot of eyes watching her and whispering. She couldn't bear to look at the other end of the table where Draco sat with his bunch or the Gryffindor table where Harry was. Madame Pomfrey told her that he, as well as Harry, had come to see about her several times. She had no appetite, pushing the food away. All she could think about was what she'd learned at the Malfoy's about her parents and she felt she wasn't really good enough for anyone right now.

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