I Will Always Be Yours -Chapter 22

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I Will Always Be Yours

Chapter 22

            Over the next week, Jilli could walk although she had to take it a little slow. She went looking for Harry after dinner. She waited outside the Gryffindor common room until finally someone came out and she asked them to go get Harry.

            Harry was shocked to see her.

            “Hello Jilli, you look great. You must be feeling a lot better.”

            “I am, but enough about me, I need a favor,” she said quickly, “I need you to tutor me on Defense Against the Dark Arts.”

            Harry just looked at her strangely.

            “Come on Harry,” Jilli pleaded, “if anyone knows the dark lords back it's you, and since I wasn't able to join the D.A. I need you to help me brush up on my spells.”

            “Well, I guess I can,” Harry said, still surprised she came to him, “but why are you wanting to do this?”

            “You know times are bad. I want to be prepared.”

            So they decided to meet after their last classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, until the end of the year or Jilli got them right.

            Jilli met with Harry out on the grounds of Hogwarts the very next day. She was very good and a fast learner. She was still having trouble with her balance and coordination after the Quidditch accident and one time she slipped down when she and Harry were attempting a Stunning spell. “Stupify,” they both shouted, when she slipped Harry's spell hit her hard and sent her flying.

            Harry ran over to her worried, trying to help her up. Jilli was laughing when he came over, infact she was laughing so hard that if Harry had not been holding her up she'd be on the ground rolling with it, “You should have seen your face,” she said between breath, “when you hit me with that spell.” they didn't realize they were being watched.


            Draco had seen Jilli and Harry leave the school together after class. And he watched them now from a 3rd floor window in Hogwarts. What was she doing with Potter? He watched as they started practicing spells. She was doing really well until she had slipped and got hit full blast by Harry. Draco had to grip the window ledge to keep from flying out there and tearing Potter apart.

            Draco watched Harry go to her, helping her up and holding her. Jealous rage came over him, until he saw Jilli laughing, he hadn't seen her smile and laugh in a very long time. All the anger left him with her single smile. Jilli deserved to be happy, and if Potter could do that for her, he was willing to give her up forever.


            Jilli's meetings with Harry were very productive and she had gained back full use of her legs. In three weeks time she had mastered all her spells, even her Patronus charm, which was a beautiful sleek leopard. Harry decided she had learned enough and all she needed now was to keep practicing.

            Jilli and Harry were still friends but that was as far as it went, they both wanted it that way. Harry was now liking Ginny Weasley and Jillianne's thoughts were always on Draco.

            “Thanks Harry.” Jilli gave him a friendly hug.

            “You’re welcome,” he said, returning it. They both headed up to Hogwarts.

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