Hurt and Betrayal- Chapter 11

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Hurt and Betrayal

Chapter 11

            The next morning was Christmas Day and Jilli woke up early. She was going down to the kitchen to get her new kitten, that she named Mr. Muffins, a dish of milk. As she was passing the study she couldn't help but over hear loud talking coming from there, the door was cracked open. She thought she heard her name mentioned so she stood near the door listening.

            “So you are going to uphold the betrothal of Draco to Magnus Ashwood's daughter,” the man she remembered as Avery said.

            “Yes,” Lucius said sneeringly, “what choice do I have. Magnus was my best friend.”

            “Well, what if she's like her mother?”

            “Hopefully she has enough Marvolo blood in her that she deserves to be the next in line as an heir to Slytherin,” Lucius replied.

            Jilli was shocked by what she was hearing, but she didn't move.

            “Besides, the dark lord himself was the one who insisted on this marriage between my son and Ashwwod's girl all those years ago. He must have a reason,” Lucius finished.

            “Well aren't you a little afraid for Draco? After-all, her mother was unstable and killed Magnus before doing away with herself.”

            Jilli had been trembling before that, but what she'd just heard nearly brought her to her knees. Tears started down her face. Feeling of hurt and betrayal illed her. She couldn't listen to anymore.

            Jilli quickly made her way upstairs, when she turned the corner, her vision blurred, she ran right into Draco.

            “Jillianne, what's wrong?” he said concerned, seeing the tears and the look on her face.

            She shook off his hands, “Don't touch me!” she hissed and ran past him to her room, locking the door. Draco tried to get her to let him in, but she wouldn't.

            All Jilli could think was that they lied to her. They knew what had happened to her parents, they all obviously knew a lot about her parents, things that were probably disturbing, and what did the dark lord have to do with it all?

            Jilli dried up her crying, she knew she had to get out of that house. She called Rosie. Rosie helped her pack quickly. Jilli started to leave Mr. Muffins, but she couldn't bear the thought of leaving him there, she packed him in his box, and grabbed her bag. Jilli talked Rosie into apparating her to the front gate of the manor. Jilli thanked Rosie and the house-elf was gone. The gate was locked. Jilli used a couple of spells and finally worked it open. She began walking down the road, headed for London. She had decided to stay near the woods with the road insight, in case they came looking. She had a few galleons on her, and as soon as night came she would send out a signal for the Knight bus, catch a ride to the leaky cauldron and from there board Hogwarts train in a few days.

            Twice she heard the Malfoy limo coming by and had to jump in bushes, they hadn't seen her. It was really cold out today and the wind was howling a little, but even though there was snow everywhere, at least it wasn't snowing now. She finally stopped to eat the lunch that Rosie had packed sitting on a log in a clearing in the woods not far from the road. She also gave Mr. Muffins a dish of cream that Rosie had packed, but he had to eat in his box, she couldn't risk letting him out. It was freezing out and Jilli was shivering, she had on everything she could.

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