Frightening thought.

'The camp is just ahead' Alpha Blake murmured mentally, and I hazarded a light sigh.

Which quickly turned into a gasp when I saw what he considered a 'camp'.

This so called camp was surrounded my huge concrete walls, that were -although not unconquerable with our werewolf abilities- quite intimidating on their own.

'Holy hell' Claire breathed, as we approached the 'camp'.

'Surround it,' I commanded, and watched as the wolves began to blend into the brush and completely surrounded the concrete jungle.

The 'camp' was huge, dark, forbidding, and so very uninhabited. The guard watch towers were empty, suggesting that the hunters had not expected such an early retaliation and were more than likely partying it up in celebration of their attack.


It took about half an hour for everyone to assemble, and then, ever so slowly a small woman began to approach the doors in human form.

'This is our distraction,' Claire mumbled, as we surveyed the human girl. Upon further examination, I noticed that it was in fact the pregnant woman from before.

We were using a pregnant woman as a distraction.

Well, that's just great.

I could see a commotion starting, directly across the field, and managed to spot an angry looking, Alpha sized, silver male wolf who was quietly snarling and glaring at the woman. In a flurry of movement, he shifted and threw himself forwards. Two other wolves at his sides shifted just in time to grab hold of him and yank his struggling form back into the recesses of the dark forest.

Apparently someone forgot to inform him that his pregnant mate was our distraction.

He fought against the restraints with a silent anger, and although I wouldn't admit it, I was happy he managed to keep our cover despite his aggravation.

After a few more minutes of futile fighting, the man dropped to the ground with a half hearted growl that I could hear from here.

It took a few more moments of silence as the girl got into position, before our distraction fell into place, and she began to scream.

Now all we could do was wait.


It took close to ten minutes of screaming before the steel doors before which the distraction sat began to creep open. A group of roughly ten people crowded the entrance, and stumbled towards the noise in frantic movements, seemingly attempting to aid the desperate woman.

They were all well armed; I could see the guns -probably stocked with silver bullets- attached to their hips. I figured that in an ordinary instant, they would be able to draw those weapons within a matter of seconds. Now; however, judging by their stumbling, I very much doubted that they could remove their weapons in that much, much less have a straight aim.

That didn't mean it wouldn't hurt if they made contact.

'Go.' All it took was one word from me, before all hell broke loose.


Pain is a feeling that is completely based on mental feelings. It can be overcome based on one's mentality. At the precise moment, though, I wasn't even sure if I was in pain. I was numb.

I couldn't even move. I knew based on my earlier knowledge, that the silver was burning through my veins. It should hurt, but it didn't. I was completely, and utterly numb. I had lost feeling, and ability to move any of my limbs what-so-ever, and I had lost hope.

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now