Oh Damn

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Picture to the right is Michael ------------> (he's creepy :S)


You know, right now is another one of those moments where I really wished I could have super powers.  I don't particularly feel like dying today, or, well, ever.  Hence why immortality would be the best damn power in the world. 

I think I was beginning to irritate the creepy dude, as I was completely zoned out.  I should really be more freaked out.  But for some reason, sitting where I was with my hands on the almost-but-not-quite-dead-dudes chest made me feel really calm.  Like, super crazy calm.  I could fall asleep.  Well, if y'know, there wasn't a really crazy murderer with a piece of would larger then my head coming towards me. 

"You know, you could've gotten away," I said randomly, giving the  guys chest another few pumps.  "I didn't even know you tried to kill this guy.  I thought he just fell in."

"But, you see," he said calmly, tilting his head to sneer down at me.  He probably had a very attractive face, when he wasn't sneering. "I want him dead.  You saving him doesn't really help me now, does it?"

"I suppose not," I agreed, before turning back to the guy I was trying to save.  I might as well get him up before psycho tries anything.

"Aren't you supposed to be begging me not to kill you?" the crazy dude whispered, coming closer even.

"Well, no.  Seeing as you already tried to kill this dude, I don't think I have much of a shot of convincing you anyways."  I'm pretty sure that appalled was a good word to describe the look on his face.  He was completely, and utterly, appalled.  I liked that look a teeny bit better then a crazy-psycho-murderer one he had a few minutes before. 

Mr. Tall, dark and scary was still a few feet away from me, moving steadily in my direction.  I suppose he didn't see the puddle of cleaning liquid in front of him.  To be honest, I did, but given the situation, I really couldn't bring myself to warn him.

The dude went down so fast I almost missed it, smacking his head off the side of the pool, hard, before sinking to the bottom of the pool. Hmm.  I guess God was with me today.  That was lucky.

He didn't make any movements other then the slow floating of his body upwards, face down. 

"Okay then..." I said slowly, before turning back to continue the CPR.  I would probably pull the crazy dude out of the pool eventually, but he wasn't very high on my priority list right now. 

What was on the top of my priority list, was the guy who was beginning to breathe lightly on his own.  I sighed, tugging the black strands of my damp hair away from my face.  I suppose I had better go get the other dude out of the pool.

 I realized once I had him out of the pool, that I had probably done one of the stupidest things in my life.  I had just yanked a guy, who had, minutes before, wanted to kill me, without making sure he was unconcious.  He was, lucky for me, and I guess I should be used to my stupidity by now. 

Once he was sprawled out on the ground, I headed back to the first drowned dude, -whoa, I really needed some names here- and watched as he began to cough up mouthful after mouthful of water.  You'd think he coughed up a lung, by the amount of hackig he was doing.  He had almost died though, so I guess he was intitled to hacking away.

A few moments after he stopped coughing, and I watched as he suddenly froze.  I was almost positive I saw him sniff the air a few times, before his eyes popped open and he zoned in on me.  I could barely see him in this light, but I was pretty sure he was staring right at me.

"Who the hell are you?" he choked out, before breaking into another round of coughing.  Poor guy.

"I'm just Ally," I smiled, "I saw you in the pool and thought I should help out a little bit."

"In the pool?" he asked, his head snapping up once again.  I watched with the little light that I did have, as he whipped his head around, taking in his surroundings.  I'm pretty sure I heard him growl, too. 

"Well, that's where I found you.  I think that guy tried to kill you.  Wanna tell me why?"  Yeah, yeah, curiousity killed the cat, but I had almost been attacked.  I felt like I desrved to at least know why.

This time I definitely heard the growl.  It rumbled through his chest before bursting out of his mouth in a furious, wild animal like snarl.  Okay, that's a little odd.  Before I had time to blink, I was being torn from my spot, and placed behind a now standing not-so-dead-dude. 

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, glaring at the guys back.  I'm going to call him Guy 1.  He was crouched in front of me, growling like a freaking animal.  Oh.  Crazy dude was awake.  That kind of explains the temper.

"Get the hell out,"  Guy 1 snarled, lowering into a defensive crouch.  Defensive of what? I asked myself, moving to step around him.  When his arm snapped out and shoved me back, I realised.  Oh he was defensive alright.  Over me.

"I won," crazy guy growled back, stalking forwards. Guy 1 let out a loud snarl that had even the windows rattling, and crazy guy stopped in his tracks, frozen, and slightly surprised if I was seeing him correctly.

"I'm not dead Michael," Guy 1 responded, baring his teeth when 'Michael' moved to step forward.

"You should be.  That little bitch saved you.  She shouldn't of interfered Luke."

"Don't call her that."  'Luke's' voice was so low and deadly souding that even I shivered.  What the hell had I gotten myself into?

Michael paused and took a long sniff of the air, before smirking.  That was weird.

"Ah, seems like Luke has a weak spot now, huh?"

"Leave Michael," Luke warned, his hands beginning to shake.  He was clenching and unclenching his fists as Michael took the hint and turned to leave.

"If I can't kill you Luke, I can just as easily kill her."  Luke let out a furious snarl, and stepped towards Michael, but before he could get any closer, Michael was gone.

And Luke turned around, looking beyond pissed.

"In the house.  Now," he ordered, spinning on his heel and practically running towards a door that I assumed led to his house.

"Well nice you meet you too," I huffed, stomping after him.

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