Hello..long time, no see, huh?

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Hello guys,

I don't even know if any of y'all still remember me or if I have any readers left, but I'm gonna try anyway.

First of all I owe you guys one GREAT apology for ghosting on you like this, I don't know what exactly to say or how to justify myself..

There were just some things I had to deal with, I'm sorry it took me so much time, even I was surprised it took so long.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry I haven't posted in almost a year.
I'm sorry I haven't finished TSS.
And here's yet one another sorry for three of the people who have supported me through every book of mine;

I'm sorry I ghosted on you.
I'm sorry I wasn't the kind of friend y'all deserved.
I'm sorry I've never got to reply to your messages.
I'm a fucking mess I know.


Enough of that crying in my house!
Now why we are all here you ask..?
Well I'm bringing you a whole new book that might make a day to some of you who's been with me from the very beginning.

I really hope you guys are going to enjoy this little story and as usual let me know what you think!

I love y'all so damn much!


Important note (read it, please)

This certain book touches very sensitive topics such as suicide, drugs and abuse.. Please believe me when I say it's for a reason and I have never meant to hurt anyone while writing this, I know how shitty those may be...
Also after my last book, I'd strongly recommend not to read this one if you are in a bad place in life right now or if you are 'overly sensitive' (yeah I hate that shit too, but it's an official term)..

Thank you.



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