Apocalypse - The Criminals and Victims

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It was the very first and last experience for humanity.

The extinction of biodiversity. That day, the hope-filled sun did not rise in the morning nor in the afternoon, and even if it did, then the pitch black-painted sky must have prevented it to appear. At this rate, people had no more clue of what day or time it was. Technology had broken down long, long time ago, and a second was like an eternity to be passed through.

The population of mankind seemed to be shortening in number, and it seems that mankind will vanish from this world in no time. At this rate, the fact that humans are on the highest position of food chain doesn't matter anymore since those animals were already endangered.

In this kind of situation, humans apparently were to cling to their God once more time. But, will it make any difference?

But, what else could they do besides doing so?

Perhaps, mankind had known it for a long time, that it wouldn't create any difference, nevertheless they did not stop. "As long as there is hope, then there is a possibility."

Probably, He was looking at us, high above the clouds, with a mixed feeling of pity and anger.

According to Christianity, in 7 days He spent, He created the Earth, and filled it with humans. However, they and I, we all had done multiple crimes by staining this home He created for us with plastics and waste, and finally became the victims of our own crimes.

With this heart filled with loneliness and somehow a hollow feeling, I, who was a youth and was supposed to be as innocent as a newborn baby, looked up towards the pitch black sky. Questions kept on approaching my mind, and once more time, the loneliness accumulated in my little heart

Thinking back what I have been talking, there were about 7 billion people living in this Earth, and most of them are the criminals, while those minority are the "victims". Then, why are those victims, those who do not commit the crime, have to also bear the fruit of bitterness?

Quite pathetic, isn't it? Humans are created in the same world, even though the exact region and location, and the time they were each born differs. Despite of the different wombs they were all in, they were all created as humans, and are bonded with the world "Earth" and its future. Even if you die before a catastrophe happens, you might not be able to rest in peace with those cries of mankind.

For those who are currently reading this, for those who have not suffer this catastrophe, for you who realize their crimes, for those who become the victims of others' crimes, no matter who you are, no matter if you have sinned or not, are given a responsibility to protect this house He had created. At the end, everything you do is all for your own good, and even if you don't like it, we all share the same planet and future

VICTIMS AND APOCALYPSE #PlanetOrPlasticWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt