He was excited, to be there after so long and meeting his friends after so long.

The next thing he did after meeting his parents was to go meet his friend jay, who was getting married.

And was met by the biggest surprise of his life.

What are the chances of meeting a random acquaintance after 7 years.

And what are the chances, that after meeting the said acquaintance, you recognise them instantly.

Because it was instantaneously that Kongpob recognised Arthit. As soon as he saw him. Arthit wasn't even looking in his direction when Kongpob's eyes had landed on him.

He forgot about his friends, his girlfriend and hypnotized, made his way towards him.

But was stopped by May, his girlfriend. And he came back to reality.

What was he doing?

After meeting all his friends, finally he approached Arthit.



"I think we have met before"

Arthit nodded his head in negation.

Kongpob sulked a bit, he forgot already?

Rest of the time, he mingled with his friends, but half of his attention was always on Arthit moving around the room.


"Hey Kongpob, I have a favour to ask you", jay said the next time they met.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you accommodate Arthit in your house? We are having a space crunch"

Kongpob's heart leapt in excitement," sure", he answered immediately.

His friend gave him a weird look but said nothing.

When he went to fetch Arthit, he was already ready and waiting for him.

Silently, he got into the car and Kongpob started driving. There was so much he wanted to ask, to say, but couldn't start.

How do you make a person remember?

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!", Arthit shouted abruptly.

In a scare, Kongpob halted the car suddenly.

"What happened Arthit!!"

"I want to drink pink milk", he said getting down.

"What?", Kongpob looked at him flabbergasted, but still followed him to the pink milk stall.

"Pay him"


"20 BAHT"

Kongpob took out his wallet and paid the vendor.

"Do you want anything else?"

Arthit thought for a moment, then replied," not now"

They seated themselves in the car, with Arthit clutching two pink milks.
One he was sipping, and the other he was holding, looking out of the window.

Kongpob looked at him fondly, and his heart went kyun~. Arthit was still adorable. Gone were his boyish cute looks, now he was a beautiful man. And he still made Kongpob shake.


May gave him disapproving look as they entered. Kong ignored her and showed Arthit the room which they'll be sharing.

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