The pale energy splashed across its fur, doing little damage. But it knocked it off balance, the great bear tipped backwards onto another. It created a little traffic jam, forcing bears to go around or over.

And then daylight fell across them as they finally reached the exit. None of the bears followed.

PrettyBoi released the ankle of Jorgie's wife, who looked like she'd been dragged behind a car for a few hours. Her clothing was tattered and bloodied, and her hair looked like a nest of rats had been living there for months. The only reason Severance knew she was still alive was the fact she hadn't disintegrated yet.

"My wife!" Jorgie's father came to life at the sight of her. He threw himself across her limp form and hugged her, weeping tears of joy.

"Thank you," he exclaimed into her bosom. "Oh, thank you so much!"

Severance made a face and pointed his staff towards Jorgie's mother. "Mend."

The light seeped into her, but she didn't wake up. He tried again, but to the same result. Severance furrowed his brow. "Why isn't she waking up?"

Jorgie's father looked up at him, tears and snot streaming down his face. "Don't worry. She gets like this sometimes. She'll sleep through the night no matter what, but she'll be right as rain tomorrow morning."

"Huh." Well, if the father wasn't worried, then Severance wasn't going to worry about it either. "I guess we'll have to carry her back."

"I'll do it," PrettyBoi said. It stepped forward, all three feet of it, and Jorgie's father obediently moved out of the way. The little player solemnly bent down, grasped the woman's ankle, and began to drag her down the forest path.

Severance stared. He looked to the father, half expecting the man to protest loudly over the rough treatment. But he just trotted after PrettyBoi without a sound of complaint.

How could he not say anything? That was his wife! Her head bounced up as PrettyBoi dragged her over a rock. Severance winced, and hurried to catch up to the zombie player

"Maybe I should carry her?"


The immediate refusal took Severance by surprise. It was obviously easier for him to carry the woman, because he was a full-sized adult. He'd be able to do it properly, but PrettyBoi could only drag her.

He opened his mouth to protest, but PrettyBoi suddenly glanced up at him with his soulless green eyes. Severance's mouth snapped shut.

"Fladnag will meet us back at Jorgie's."

With that, PrettyBoi resumed walking steadily down the path, while behind him, the poor woman shuddered through every pit and bump in the road. Severance followed, and guiltily cast Mend on her every couple of minutes. At least she was unconscious.

And just like he said, when they reached the clearing in the forest, Fladnag was already there, chatting with Jorgie.

When the child saw them approaching, he hopped off his stump and trotted over. He somberly looked his father up and down, then glanced down at his mother, who lay in the dirt.

"You brought them back, huh." He didn't sound all that happy. If anything, Severance thought he sounded a little disappointed.

"Yes," PrettyBoi rumbled.

"Hmm." Jorgie nudged his mother with his toe. "Well, that's that, I guess. Father?"

"Yes?" Jorgie's father answered. He gazed at his son fondly.

"Go inside and clean up. Bring mother with you. Both of you are a mess."

"Yes, Jorgie." The father bent down and gathered his wife up in his arms. He carried her over to the house, much to Severance's bafflement.

Eliona's War 1: Hesitant HealerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora