Chapter One

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Zelda's Point of View

I'd never thought I would see the sun shine so brightly ever again. It seemed like a thousand years had past from being locked up by the madman. As I looked out my grand master bedroom window, I saw people, my citizens, busily walking through the streets to get to their destination.

I began to laugh. A good, jolly laugh. One filled with happiness and peace. No more cries of sorrow. It was the first morning of a new era; without evil.

I stripped from my night clothing and walked to my bathroom. Inside, I turned on the shower, letting the cold water stream out. A smile played on my pale lips as I began to hum a cheerful tune. Once the water turned hotter, I had got in.

The hot, blissful water ran down my back, feeling energy rush through my body. My golden blonde hair swept down my shoulders, now flowing with water. A few minutes of blissful cleansing, a knock was heared at my bathroom door.

"Miss Zelda?" A voice echoed through.

I turned toward the curtain, where the door would be, and smiled.

"Yes? I'm currently bathing. What seems to be the problem?" I asked, starting to rinse the conditioner from my hair.

"It's Link. And there isn't a problem. I just wanted to let you know that we need to speak at breakfast." Link explained himself.

When I heard his voice, I felt my cheeks get a little hot. I shook my head and excused it as just the temperature of the water starting to make me hot. I turned off the water completely and stepped out, grabbing a towel and pulling it around myself.

"Alright, Link. Thank you for the update. Please let the chef know that I will be out for breakfast in twenty minutes." I exclaimed, starting to dry myself.

Link left, and I sighed. Everytime I hear him speak, I feel like my ears are being gifted. I don't know what this feeling was, but I certainly liked it.

I remember when Link fought Ganondorf. It was such a passionate and lethal battle. I remember watching Link move so easily like a feather in the wind. It made my heart leap.

I sighed, shaking all of those thoughts out of my head. I could not be thinking of such things. I am the Princess of Hyrule. I should be thinking about the work I must to to start rebuilding what Ganondorf and his army destroyed.

Once I was dressed and looked somewhat presentable, I made my way down to the dining room. The halls were hung with paintings of my family and our nation. With the sun shining inside, it looked somewhat eerie and happy.

"Good morning, Link." I exclaimed as I turned into the dining room, taking my seat as head.

"Good morning, Princess. I'm glad to see you so happy again." Link laughed, looking at me.

I smiled back at him, and our blue eyes met for a moment. In that moment, all I thought about was him. Just him. Just Link.

The clattering of plates onto the table broke our tense moment. A plate of pancakes and hash browns were served to me.

Link and I ate in silence for a little while until Link spoke up.

"Your Majesty... I wanted to speak with you." Link muttered.

I nodded, gesturing him to speak on.

"I... I have decided that I will be moving into Lon Lon Ranch to work as a farmhand. Since all evil is gone, I feel like it's time to settle down. But I'll always be around just in case, Miss Zelda." Link explained with a smile.

Though he was happy, I dropped my fork onto my plate, causing a loud clatter.

Link's Point of View

I nearly gasped when the sound erupted. It wasn't too loud, but it was Zelda's reaction that scared me a little. I looked up to her to see a stunned face, but she quickly recovered and smiled.

"Alright! That sounds like a plan, Link. I'm glad you have a plan now." Zelda explained, though I didn't buy her happiness. Was something wrong?

I nodded, keeping on a fake smile, and we ate the rest of our breakfast in silence.

~ ~ ~

I spent the rest of the day packing. Zelda provided me with some extra clothing, which was very sweet of her. I always thought of the princess as a sweetheart. But I never knew where to quite place her. After the weird breakfast conversation, I felt like tension was tight between us now.

I was almost ready to leave on my horse, Epona, when the princess came over with a smile. I got off Epona and returned the smile.

"Listen... Link... We don't know each other well, and I wish we could of, but I want you to know..." Zelda held her breath. "Stay safe, alright? I wouldn't want my hero dying on me. There isn't evil anymore, but that doesn't mean you cannot die." Zelda explained.

I laughed and brought her into a hug. I felt that Zelda was hesitant at first, but her arms wrapped back around me, her head on my shoulder. We stayed like this for a few seconds, and it felt good. I never wanted to let go. She smelled like flowers.

What was this? Smells like flowers?! I bit my lip and slowly pulled away, then putting a smile back on.

"Thank you Zelda. For everything. I'll see you soon, alright?" I said and then got back onto Epona.

Zelda nodded and waved to me as I began to trot away.

"Take care!" I heard Zelda yell to me.

I smiled and waved back before riding off to Lon Lon Ranch to begin my new life.

I hope I didn't regret it.

Enchanting Love: A ZeLink StoryWhere stories live. Discover now