fall things you and him do together

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•pumpkin picking! he decided to take you the first week in October since it was your favorite month , along with a sweet hayride at a briar patch in town timmy saw on a flyer on a pole in the city , He also asked a stranger to take a picture of you two being romantic holding a big ol' pumpkin kissing each other

•when halloween came around you both got goodies for the kids in the apartment/neighborhood around you and handed out candy to the them at your new place and decorated the inside

•"princess we have more trick or treaters!! bring more candy bub!"

•sometimes you would watch scary movies at his place all cuddled up in blankets with hot coffee and tea, when jump cares came you accidentally spilled it on him

•it was your idea to have a mini shoot in central park with your professional camera taking pictures of you both in the leaves and jumping in leave's piles like children laughing the whole time

•"wait, angel stand right there lemme get this angle , okay...now pose and smile *camera clicks* you bursted our in laughter as he caught that one too "beautiful!"

• many coffee dates, and stopping by at bakeries for the scones, muffins, and chocolate chip cookies u both enjoy eating

•finding big fall colored leaves on the ground that have fallen from the tree's on the walks you both take, you love saving them and bringing them back home with him

Hi guys! i'm deeply sorry being gone for super long i hope you have enjoyed this. ps sorry for any spelling errors , i was gonna delete this whole imagine book about 2 months ago and decided to stay. i hope you guys want me to continue with this. i'm back ❤️ i hope everyone is enjoying november as much as i am .

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