Chapter 1- A Place To Stay

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A/N: Hello! Thanks for clicking on my story! Just a quick reminder before you get started. I want to let you know, with confidence, that this story starts off pretty slow. That is to get out all the essential information first. I want to warn you beforehand so that you, as a reader, know and understand that it won't always be like this, and maybe give it a chance. In fact, I perceive this to be probably one of the most in-depth, realistic, and emotional fanfics you may ever read. It takes a few chapters before it gets more interesting, but trust me when I say you should give it a shot! Additionally, the beginning doesn't have many cuss words, but later in, there's quite a few inappropriate topics and terms, so, if you're a younger reader, I hope you're okay with that. There is NO smut or scenes that surpass the PG-14 mark.

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September 18th

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"Are you sure I can't stay with you? It's just a few months. I promise I'll be in and out before you know it."

"Marinette-" A sudden crash sounded in the background. The sounds of laughter were heard soon afterward.

Alya's distant voice called out to the noise, "Ella! Etta! Get down from there!"

More girlish screams followed Alya's command, and she sighed loudly into the phone. It was apparent that Alya's troublemaking siblings were causing problems again.

"You're going to break something!" She hollered again.

Marinette patiently waited, brushing her bangs out of her face and tapping her foot anxiously.

"Girl, my parents just won't let you. We already have enough commotion in this household as it is. I've asked them. I'll try again later when they're in better moods, but you know how they are, especially my mom. You know if I could have you over, I would, but I just can't-" Alya's voice abruptly cut off as she yelled even louder.


Her vocals began to shake as Marinette realized her best friend had started running after her troublesome siblings. The dark-haired girl quietly chuckled to herself and waited a few more seconds until things calmed down.

"Hey, Mari... Let me- call you back! We can talk more about this later. I'm babysitting my sisters, and they aren't listening to me."

"It's okay, Alya. I understand, trust me." Her thoughts drifted to Manon, who could be much like Alya's sisters at times.

"Try to find someone else to stay with if you can. I'll talk to you tomorrow. It's getting late."

The yells were still reverberating on the other line. "Okay. See you at school?"

"Hopefully," Marinette said with a tiny voice.

"I better. Okay, bye. Love you- Nora!? IS THAT YOU?! IT BETTER BE YOU I SWEAR TO F-"

The call hung up abruptly, and Marinette cast the phone onto her chair, sharply sighing.

A few nights ago, her parents told her that they were planning to attend a baking competition. They said that it was a massive opportunity for their small but marvelous business and that it meant moving out of Paris for a little while.

Living With AgresteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora