Chapter 28- Back To School

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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

September 28th

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

A few days later, Marinette laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling. It was almost 6 in the morning, so if she wanted to shower before school she would have to get up soon. Her heart raced as the events of the past few days ran through her mind.

Adrien had shown her an impressive amount of kindness that left her wanting more. Not once did she feel uncomfortable when she was with him (except when he had to help her after she fell in the shower). This was a big improvement. Just a few months ago, she struggled to be in a group with him, let alone just the two of them-but this time...she felt completely at ease.

The only things that worried her at the moment were going back to school. And...Tikki.

Marinette missed Tikki more than anything else, but there was nothing she could do while stuck at the Agreste mansion sick. But now that she was finally off bedrest, she had planned to head over to Master Fu's place for leafs on her kwami.

Her miraculous.

Nobody else's.

Rolling onto her right side and squeezing her eyes closed again, she felt her nerves flare at the thought of going back to school. Her phone laid on the small desk next to her bed and lit up every 2 seconds. Each time the blue light reflected in her eyes, her mind got hazy and anxiety ate at her insides. What could be going on in the fantastic and ridiculous world of social media?

Hesitantly, she picked up the phone and latched her fingers around it. It's better to check now then later, right?


She connected the dots to unlock her phone and watched as a picture of her and Alya appeared, along with her apps and games- all with red notifications on them. The first thing she did was go into her text messages. Scrolling up, she clicked the most recent one...

A text from Alya.

Slowly, she started reading at the last message she'd sent her best friend's way.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

9~22~18 [9:14 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : i love u talk to u soon.

9~22~18 [10:05 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : hey hun, how's it going??

You read this at 3:15 PM.

--------------- [11:48 AM] ---------------

[1] Missed call from '♥ Alya ツ'

9~22~18 [11:49 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : sorry if i'm bugging you, but you haven't answered and i need to know deets! also... Juleka texted!!

You read this at 3:15 PM.

--------------- [2:35 PM] ---------------

9~22~18 [2:35 PM] ♥ Alya ツ : you shoulda had lunch by now. you still aren't responding. what's going on?

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