Packing up.

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*1 week later.*

(A week before the move.)

"Morning." I said waking Emilia up at 10:58. "Because we are moving away now we should probably start packing." Emilia said getting out of bed and getting dressed into her light blue jean type high waisted shorts and her white tank top that said "we look cute together." she looked like a teenager but she looked like a cute teenager and she looked like a teenager anyway. So I got out of bed and got into my light blue jeans and white vest top and my navy blue Hollister hoodie. we decided start in the attic but we found it completely empty so we went back down to the bedroom and we decided we could fly in 6 days to see the house the day before and maybe stay in a hotel or something. We packed all of our stuff so the whole house was empty of our stuff but we left the bed the toilet, sink, sofa, fridge and stuff but we packed the TV.

"Done." I said to Emilia a few hours later. It was 2:58 now "I'll make us lunch, how about pizza, chips, salad and a can of 7up?"

"Yeh sure I'll make it if you want and you can start to load the stuff into the car?" she asked me back. "Yes sure I'll start loading now then I'll book a flight for in 6 days and no return." I said kissing Emilia on the cheek then opening the door and grabbing two suitcases. as I walked to the car and opened the boot I suddenly thought what about Hudson because he can't come on a plain or anything like that so I'll have to put him up for adoption or give him away which hurt the think but I knew it was for the best. After doing 7 trips to the car all of our stuff was in the car and lunch was ready.

"This is lovely." I said to Emilia. "The pizza is done perfectly, non of the chips are burnt and the salad has just the right amount of salad cream in." "Thanks." Emilia said back. "so all the stuff is packed but all the essentials are here because the people who buy our house will need them and we can buy new stuff, and we still have 6 days until we fly."

"Emilia we haven't given this any thought but what about Hudson?" I asked.

"Good question." she replied. "I know it will be hard for you to leave him but maybe you'll have to put him up for adoption, it's for the best." "Yeh it is I'll put him up for adoption after I booked the flight and put this house up for sale." I said my eyes filling with tears but I was refusing to let them spill.

After tea I grabbed my MacBook and me and Emilia sat in the sofa, we booked our flight with jet 2 and we put our house up for sale, all we had to do know was put Hudson up for adoption and we found a perfect adoption home where animals went and were put up for adoption. Tears now spilling down my cheek Emilia takes my geeky glasses off and dries my eyes finishing with a kiss on the lips and then she whispered "Don't forget it's for the best." by this time it was 6:00pm so I cooked fajitas and Emilia took Hudson for a walk.

After tea it was around 7:30 so me and Emilia decided to go for a jog up from luddenden foot to North bridge and back, (up to north bridge high and back.) It was mainly up hill on the way there so it was almost all down hill or flat on the way back.

The jog took about 2 hours so it was 9:44 when we got back so we just chilled on the sofa and watched a romantic move the went to bed.

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