Going home

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Beep, beep. beep, beep.

My alarm was going off for the last time until Monday and today it was Saturday.

Perfect I had exactly 1 hour until Emilia came over.

I had packed the previous day and all my bags were waiting where I put them in the hall way.

It was 6:15 now so I decided to get dressed, the weather forecast in England was good so I text Emilia to say it was due to be 28°c. Then I put my shorts, shirtsleeved t shirt and a hoodie on and went down for breakfast and a coffee.

By the time I had finished doing everything I needed it was 7:00.

Ding, Dong. right on time as usual Emilia was there in my door step with all her bags

"Morning" she said with a great big smile on her face showing her perfectly inline shining white teeth.

"Morning" I said beaming back. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm so exited." She almost squealed.

"Ok, let's start by loading my car with our bags" i said pointing Emilia to the hire car, a dark blue Volkswagen polo, the same style as I have back home in England. "Then I'll drive us to the airport and you know the rest." I said.

"Ok" she replied carrying her bags and putting them in the boot. I put mine in the back of the car and she got into the passengers seat as I locked the door to the house.

When we were both sat in the car I sent Katy a text saying "setting off to the airport xx"

And I got a reply almost straight away saying "great can't wait to see you tomorrow, have a safe flight xx"

So we set off on a one and a half hours journey to the airport.

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