17 0 2

November 8, 2018

The last conversation I had with him is November 2. Our class started on November 5 but he didn't attend until now. Actually, I think until next week. So this is how it feels? It really is hard. I can't describe it well but all I say is I'm longing for him. We didn't even have a chance to message each other, more worse is that I can't even meet him in person.

While classes has started this Monday, I've been very busy. Like last night, I stayed up to make our video in Values, the infomercial thing. I'm glad that everyone in class admired the video I made. I was really proud about the video I made though, I know it's pretty but last night I was hesitating if they'll like it or not because I didn't even know if I made it right. In the end, they liked it and that made myself relief. I could give myself a tap on the shoulder saying "good work".

My Monday went well enough. During our Science time, our envelopes was distributed to compile our compilations including our examination papers. I hold two envelope though, why? Because I was one who's compiling his too but while doing that it made me laugh. I opened his envelope and saw his document that is needed by our adviser.

"Ma'am Glenn!" I called her as I walk towards her in front while I hold the document.
"He gave it." I said as I passed it to her.
"He didn't say a thing that it was in his envelope, silly kid." Ma'am Glenn said.
"I told him that to give it to you." Ma'am Glenn and I just giggled a bit as I returned to my seat then resume compiling the papers in my envelope and his.

While on Tuesday, during TLE time, Anne announced the names of who didn't have a record in Filipino. I was thinking about resting in our break time but I heard his name and I thought he already gave a record so I asked Michole for his book. Because he always left his books in Michole's locker, it was a good thing though. It was also a good thing that he had answered all of it. I just need to get check the last one so that I can record it on a paper then pass it to our Filipino teacher.

"Wow, you really love him, hmm?" Our Filipino teacher said then I saw Jencel in there, the faculty, taking her examinations. While I just replied her a weak laugh. "Well, he had a low score ma'am I can't let that happen." When I was saying this to her, I remembered what his mother said.

I returned to the room and came to the people who didn't have a record yet.
"Kendall, do you your Filipino book?" I asked him.
"I only answer them in my notebook." He answered then I signaled him to give it to him.
"You have only one? Do the second and third, I wrote it down already." I said.
"But can I still pass a record to ma'am?" He asked.
"Of course! Just answer it and give it to me okay? I'll record it." I replied with a nod. He just smiled at me then told me that he'll give it later.

Later on during a.p time, Kendall gave me his notebook.
"K, here it is." He gave it to me as I just smiled then he left.
"Ma'am! I'll just go out a bit." I said as I rushed my way out then quickly search for our Filipino teacher. She told me that just leave it on her table in the faculty so I did.

I guess I end up helping others too and playing along with the guys as well when I do these kind of stuff. My plan was really to rest, I mean sleep in break time but I was also worried about those who didn't submitted any records yet. I'm glad that I was able to helped them.

I remembered Wednesday was pretty busy as well. Although every morning of this week is just like super boring and stuff, like making students lazy. I remember it was our break time too when our Mathematics teacher told me to go distribute our Math notebooks but I should give her a list of the scores that she checked just now, which is our first assignment at third grading.

"Wow.. I feel so busy and yet I'm still longing for him, huh?" I just told myself as if I was whispering already because I was sighing.
"What are you doing?" Eane asked me because I was sitting on the floor with the notebooks I bought.
"Our Mathematics teacher told me to record the scores and pass it to her." I answered as I start writing our classmate's surnames.
"Plastic" Eane just said that word referring to the teacher. I already know why but that's being her, no big deal.

I just continued writing their surnames then recorded it as soon as I was done, I got up to excuse myself to give the record to our teacher.

And what happened today is thrilling. This happened during our Filipino time again, I was really bored when I took out a match and lit it. I didn't thought that it would smell all over the room that fast so I immediately put it out and opened the door a bit. Bianca and I excused ourselves to find a whole paper for the activity because we didn't have one.

At exact time that we got back, we saw Eane and Jencel on our way back at the hallway, preventing us to come in.
"Don't come in yet!" Eane silently screaming at us, so we did.
"Why?" I whispered.
"Because of what you did, they start to inspect the bags!" Again, silently screaming.
"Ohhh.. That's cool." I simply replied and they turned their heads at me.
"What?" I said. As we found ourselves in the bathroom.
"We took out of the matchsticks inside your match." Eane told me.
"Why?" They looked frustrated as how I questioned again and again, that made me laugh a bit.
"We need to throw these." Jencel said, so we got out from the bathroom.
"Wait, we're not going upstairs?" Bianca asked.
"We need to throw these first, I mean dispose it properly." Eane, again doing that thing in answering us.

What happened was pretty exciting I should say. I got to anger some of my classmates in class. We disposed my matchsticks properly but it made me sad. Those were my matchsticks. I don't know why I keep them in my bag but I just like those.

I like fire.

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