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October 6, 2018

Today is our field trip. I'm sitting with Aaron, yes he's my seatmate but before that happens, I asked him to. I remember asking him when we were cooking at our TLE time. I have to gather my courage just to ask him that but at first, he was thinking of sitting beside Mathew or Michole or any other boy.
"Please be my seatmate for field trip." I said.

Exactly. But no, he was hesitating still at that time. At the end, he agreed. I can't explain what but I'm so happy and excited, knowing that he'll be my seatmate.

I came to school with Eane 4:30 in the morning. Suddenly, my eyes landed on him, Aaron I mean. I think he was wearing a brown jogger pants with him wearing his grey camouflage jacket and black high cut shoes. At that moment I saw him, he was wearing his earphones too. I can't believe I'd fall for someone I never thought I'd fall for. Right now, I was thinking that he look good at his outfit. It made me smile.

It took a while for our bus came but someone announced us that bus number six is here and we should go in already. Once we were in the bus, I saw him getting settled at his seat but I quickly grab his arm that made him turn.

"I'm sitting by the window." I said.
"Why?" He asked but he was already giving a way for me to let me in. After he settled his things, he asked me to give my bag to him so that he can put it in already. I made him wait for a while then finally gave it to him. After he settled it, he finally sat beside me. I wore my earphones then wanted to close my eyes a bit.

"Are you going to sleep already?" He asked as he was peeking at me. I just shook my head, giving him a no. He just nodded then started using his phone.

The bus started moving as the tour guide started talking too.
"Hello everyone, I'm your tour guide for today. My name is Edgie." As he start off by introducing himself. He just talked about himself and introduced our driver for today. He talked about the destinations we were going to visit. After we all prayed, he let us rest.

I was starting to dazed off then slowly starting to sleep now but every now and then, I always bumped my head at some point. At that moment, I always wanted to take his shoulder and be my pillow but I won't say it. I think I got shy.

A few minutes passed, he just started saying things at me. I took off my earphone then looked at him. He offered his shoulder for me to sleep. It made me smile again.
"Are you sure?" I asked. He just nodded so I slowly laid my head on his shoulder. I'm so happy that I can't even expressed in my own facial expressions. What I didn't noticed is that I started clinging around his arm. It's so embarrassing but I'm glad that it's him where I'm clinging to. I wish I can just hug him again, tightly.

While I was trying to sleep while my head in on his shoulder. I was thinking about how did I come to like this person. I'm wrong, I don't like him. How did I come to love this person. I decided to love him, not too long ago. Whatever he was showing about his personality, I just eventually watching him and in the future, whatever his actions will do. I wanted to accept everything about him. I wanted to know him better that I wanted to be prepared for what I am about to learn about him. I wanted to accept his flaws, his imperfections, his good and bad side. I was starting to sleep.

I just woke up by someone keep on saying some things at me while trying to shake my arm and I saw it was him. I wish my mornings would start as like this always. I would see the face of the person I love.

"Kj, we're here already. Wake up." He said repeatedly. I was really shook at myself, knowing that I was clinging to his arm while I was sleeping.
"I'm sorry." I know it's obvious why I'm apologising.
"It's fine." He replied while he was getting ready.

I really didn't pay attention where we are going but we are at the AFP Museum, most of the stuffs are related in military and the positions have in military. I think we had an hour there then we left. Next is the Science Centrum, we waited at the bus for quite a long time. That time, while we were waiting. He was going to sleep but I keep on disturbing him and he said that he'll just sat next to where Prince is for some minutes.

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