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June 18, 2018

It was the first day of school. It was the start of my tenth grade school year. I was a little bit excited about going to school today but it the end of my thought, it end up lame.

Our time was 8:00 am, I think I came inside the classroom was 7:58 or at exact 8:00, well I don't know but I saw the teacher was inside already. I stood beside my classmate, Erika, who's near the door.

"Welcome back" I whispered to her because the teacher was close to us. She just patted my back as I hugged her. Meanwhile, I whispered to her again.

"I thought we would have many new classmates, it end up being just one newbie. What a waste."

"You mean that one?" She pointed her finger at the boy who's standing opposite of our side. He was standing where the boys are, of course. He was tall. He was kind of handsome as well but he look like he's one of the naughty boys in class. He was quiet on the first day too, so quiet. I know he's new but is he not going to make some friends?

Erika elbowed me as I turn my look at her then she pointed me to my best friends, they were gesturing that they saved me a seat. I left Erika standing as I went to my friends. Jencel was sitting beside then next is Bianca, next to her is Eane. I greeted them then smiled and laughed with them for a while as I kept glancing on the newbie. Why? Because he's the type of he can caught attention even if he didn't try or needed to.

Minutes has passed that the teacher finally told us to be quiet and to be all seated. As always, teachers starts off with them, writing their names at the board then confronts us.

"My name is Glenn B. Dungao, I'll be your class advisory for this school year. I'll be teaching the subject science and m.a.p.e.h" She introduced herself as she took a quick pause then talked again.

"Please introduce yourselves in the front. Tell us your name, age, birthday, address. Overall, all the basic infos about yourself. Let's start at the front row" I sighed in relief, thank God that my friends didn't sat at the front row.

Almost all of us here already knew each other. We are already that close to each other but have some issues at the class. We don't get along well but we still want to hang out with each other. Except now, we have a newbie in the class and he's the only one.

I was waiting for him to introduce himself but that time, I was talking with my friends and I didn't heard what his name was. Another subject has come and we have to do the introductions again. I was expecting to hear his name this time but I can't really hear it. Maybe I'm just a little bit deaf, that's why I can't hear it or maybe his voice is just so low that it can't be heard in the whole room.

One hour has passed and our break time is here. I was eating with my friends as we talked about the newbie. Basically, we were judging him by his looks but he was just so quiet. I was done eating.

"Should I go and say hello to him?" I asked my friends. They all nodded so I came towards him. I sat next to the chair beside him.

"Hi kuya. What's your name?" I asked him while I was staring at him, waiting for an answer but there wasn't. It looks like I got ignored. So I repeated again.

"Hi po kuya, what's your name?" Now I used some manners, maybe that's why he's ignoring but no, he still didn't respond to me.

"Fine, don't talk. You don't have to. Snob." I told to him as I storm my way out of his sight. He can't even look at the person who's talking to him. Isn't that a bit disrespectful?

I came back to where my friends was then sat as I let out a sigh.
"He ignored me. He didn't even answered to me. " Since I told them this, they were starting to blabbering about him for ignoring me like they don't like his attitude etc...

But I really don't mind it. Maybe he's just shy or he don't like to talk to me or something like that. I begin glancing at him every time my eyes landed on him but as I observe for the whole day. He didn't even talked a bit. I think he just talked whenever he comes up in front then introduce himself. After that, he'll be quiet again back on his seat. During break times, he just lay his head down and takes a little nap. He didn't even ate anything.

Now, I noticed I'm giving him too much of attention and so, I saw my first love, Jayson. I know he's not that quite handsome but he was handsome in my eyes only. Every time I see him, I always remember how we met during my seventh grade. We became close until we have mutual feelings for each other. He was really the first boy who I loved so much than myself. After summer has arrived, we didn't messaged each other too much, not like always.

"Hey K, stop daydreaming. It's time to go home." Eane tapped my shoulder a couple of times before I respond. I just stood up and saw Jencel and Bianca were waiting outside the room, at the hallway.

"What were you thinking about? You were too spaced out." Bianca scolded me. As for me, I replied nothing then apologised at them for keeping them wait. After that, we came together downstairs as we part ways as we saw our services are already there then waves each other goodbyes.

My Grade 10 (S.Y. 2018-2019)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt