「 yoonmin - 1 」

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god taemin is real"jungkook fanned his self and the others laughed

"Shut the fuck up"

"Language jimin"jin hyung glared at me while i glare at jungkook

I stood up letting go of taehyungs hand "yah where are you going?"i heard taehyung asked


"But theres a class later"

"So what"

"WERE COMING WITH YOU THEN!"i heard hoseok hyung shouted

Until i felt everyon beside me

We all sneaked out and went to the mall

Hoseok's POV
"Hyung"i smiled "yes jiminie?"

"What kind of flavor do you want?"he askes "cookies and cream"he nodded and asked the others as well "my treat guys"jimin said smiling





jimin nodded as he stood up and went to the counter ordering our icecream

He went back sitting down between me and taehyung

I looked at jimin, i took out my phone and looked at twitter

"Hoseok hyung"i looked beside me and he handed me my icecream

I noticed that everyone already was eating their icecream

I guess i didnt notice the waiter handing us the icecream

While i was eating i cant help but look at jimin

I cant believe yoongi hyung did that to him..i would never hurt jimin..

I want to ask him to a date but taehyung already confessed to him last month..so all i can do is watch and support as his friend

Flasback from last month
"Then go ask him on a date"jin said "but what if he doesnt say yes?"

"Im sure he would, just go hoseok"i sighed nodding nervously

I stood up and went outside the house and saw him sitting outside in a bench while eating a burger

"Ji--""uh jimin?" i was cutted off when taehyung suddenly appeared beside him

I guess taehyung went around the house

"Yes taehyung?"jimin said munching on his burger

"I have something to tell you.."

I felt my heart ache "i like you"
End of the flashback
And thats when i realized that..i will just be his friend and nothing else

Well i think im okay with that, atleast i still get to be his friend..

I always liked him more than a friend, and sometimes i had dreamt of him liking me. But thats impossible..who would like me..

I sighed..

Atleast he is happy with taehyung

Taehyung's POV
I felt my heart race when jimin held my hand and played with it

"Its unfair of you to have big hands.."he mumbled pouting

I laughed "well" i took his hands "i think its unfair of you to have cute smol hands"he slapped my arm and i just laughed

"Please taehyung jimin not infront of me"jungkook said scrunching his nose in disgust and i just rolled my eyes

"Even jin hyung and namjoon hyung are doing it beside me..and its disgusting because im freaking eating an icecream"

Hoseok hyung laughed

"Lets go kook"hoseok hyung say standing up after he finished his icecream "to where?"

"I dunno"hoseok hyung shrugged "okay lets go!"jungkook stood up and ran outside the icecream shop with hoseok hyung

Author's POV
7 weeks has passed and yoongi noticed that jimin has been ignoring him, well he wanted it

He wanted jimin to be out of his life..but he found his self missing jimin

Taehyung and jimin has been dating for 7 weeks now,yoongi is missing jimin for 7 weeks now, and hoseok has been hurting for 7 weeks now

But even though taehyung and jimin are dating hoseok never left jimin's side because he felt like something bad is going to happen later or sooner

While yoongi, he just watched jimin from afar. Yoongi knew about taehyung and jimin's relationship and taehyung knew about yoongi's relationship with wendy

"Ugh they are so gross like wtf"some of the students says when they saw taehyung and jimin together but jennie glared at the student who said that

They continued to say bad things about the couple until jennie had enough of it

"Babe hold my fucking earings"jennie said taking off her earing giving them to kai wanting to punch the student

But kai stopped her from doing so

"Shut the fuck up if you still want to live, and fuck off mind youre own business"jennie growled glaring at the student who is scared asf

Jimin smiled at jennie "youre welcome"jennie said smiling back at jimin

"We support taemin dont worry"kai said along with his friends "what the heck is a taemin?"

"Jeon jungkook!"

All of jimin's friend turned to jungkook who is smiling "what?"

"Taemin seriously"

"Taehyung plus jimin equals taeminnnn isnt it cute?"jungkook said

"Shut up kid"

"Namjoon plus jin equals namjin"

"How about hoseok hyung?we never knew who you like or who you adore"they turned to hoseok hyung

"Oh yeah, how about you hoseok are you liking on someone?"

Hoseok nodded "its a male by the way"hoseok said

"Who is it hyung?"jungkook asked "someone.."hoseok look at jimin who is looking at him but hoseok quickly looked away

"Lets just say he already like someone else"jungkook and the rest 'awwed'

"How about you kooks?"

"I have a same situation with hoseok hyung, i kinda made a mistake..but atleast he's happy.."jungkook sadly smiled

Hoseok looked at jungkook..

I guess he likes taehyung

Hoseok thought

"I messed up big time"jungkook said laughing bitterly

"What do you mean messed up?"

"Because of me he's happy with someone else now..because of me he's dating someone else now"jin looked at him sadly

"Poor kookie"

There will be a part 2 soon~💖💜

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