e i g h t e e n - l i k e

460 19 11

Millie’s POV

A few days later I got dismissed from the hospital. My mom stayed the night, but had to leave early this morning because she got an interview. Finn and Sadie also spent the night the past two days.

But what was that?

What happened the other night?

With me and Finn.

It was nothing.


“Hey Mills, my mom is here to pick us up.” Finn says. Caleb picked up Sadie a couple hours ago, so it’s just me and Finn.

I nod and get my backpack.

“How do you feel?” He asks. We step outside and it is raining quite a bit, so we run to the car.

“Okay I guess...I still don’t know what caused me to fall, but I should be ok to go to school on monday. We’ll see…” I explain. He nods.

Once we get to the car, he opens the door for me. I climb in and greet his mom.

“Hey Mrs. Wolfhard.” I say.

“Hey Millie. I’ve told you this multiple times. Call me Winona!” She smiles.

I giggle. “Sorry, winona.”

“How do you feel, sweetie?” She says, driving off after Finn got into the seat next to me.

“Okay. Really run down after the medicine they gave me, but ok.” I say. She nods.

“Do you guys wanna stop somewhere for some food?” She asks.

“Yeah. I’m starving.” Finn says. “What about you, Mills?” He asks. I can see Winona smirk in the rearview mirror at the nickname Finn gave me.

“I could eat.” I say.

“Where do you guys wanna go?” She asks.

“McDonalds.” I quickly say, causing Finn to laugh.

“Okay.” Winona giggles.

A little while later, we get to McDonalds. We go inside and order. I get a 10 piece chicken nugget and a dr pepper, and Finn also gets chicken nuggets, but gets a lemonade.

“I’m gonna go get a table over there. I’m gonna call David because he’s away on another work trip. You two can have your own table.” she says, walking over to a small table while holding her food in her hand.

We sit in silence for a little bit while we eat our food.

“What happened the other night?” Finn asks.

“What?” I say, assuming he’s talking about the almost kiss, but trying to not make it obvious.

“I think you know what I’m talking about, Mills.”

“I was kinda sleepy the first night, so I don’t remember much.” I say, trying to seem clueless.

“Millie. We almost kissed.” He says, using my normal name. He doesn’t normally use it unless he’s really serious.

“Oh...that.” I say.

“Yeah.” He replies.

“I-I wasn’t meaning for it to happen.” I explain.

“Me neither. It just kinda happened. I don’t want that to change our relationship in any way though.” He says.

“Yeah.” I say.

Unconditionally // FILLIEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن